Winter looming

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mark ross

Private Member
With the winter months looming and the snow probably on the way.

Any of you lads taken steps to change tyres to winter ones to help you on the way to your jobs.

I have sourced Vredestein winter tyres for vans, they seem to be the cheapest.

Any one found or used cheaper than these.

Vredestein Winter Tyre Range | Tyremen
get the sledge out and play with the kids

just don't start a snow ball fight with a gang of teens, they owned me last year
what happens with snow chains if only back roads are bad, and u end up on gritted mains roads aswell? do u have to take them off?
So how do you stand owls if your lads cannot work do you have to pay them still .

All are self employed now, barr a labourer whose the only one on my books.
To be fair it has to be really bad not to do anything. i usually have 2 or 3 jobs on the go, on domestic and site at different stages, so sometimes theres old render to knock off or we do most off our scaffolding ourselves, so scaff to put up etc. we do the odd screeding job or heaven for bid ill go on the insides and do a bit of plastering for a firm i know, as i did in january this year when it was mentally cold all month, after a week sat around doing nothing i was climbing the walls ive never been as keen to tackle some float and set work.
Ime same as Nick dont bother in the snow dont matter what tyres you got it dont stop some idiot sliding into the side of your van and wrecking it anyway forecast for next week is wet and warm bit like my burd.
The wifes of to Gambia next week, she has had to take the daughter-inlaw cos i am too busy at the min, make hay while the sun shines and all that
Paul you make me sick. I know you've earned it. fair play n all that. But you still make me sick.
we look for scraps of internals over the cold months, its usually a slog until xmas then jan and feb we dont do any rendering.

last yr march was bad too still minus 7 ish overnight this yr suppose to be the same as last two. we try not to book render jobs but some times the odd quickie gets through, seen loads of failures this yr due to the bad winters
Warrior fekin loves it over there I recon he knows somethin we dont?

Those new walls going up round the Taj Mahal look familar.
Winter looming
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