Work in Croydon london

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New Member
I m a contractor looking for plasterers who have experience in silicone based rendering systems. Krend or monocouche.
Welcome to the forum, you may want to post some contact details etc and maybe a little more info would prove a little more fruitfull
Thanx for replies. I won't be posting any site details on the thread. Ppl interested can pvt MSG me. I want the work to start as soon as possible.
K rend is monocouche pal. K rend is the brand so I will be using k rend . Monocouche is the type of renderd Finnish.
Monocouche is another name for a through colour render.

These are produced by many manufacturers and k-rend is one of them.

We are based in Medway, Kent and would be happy to look at your project. I'm just about to start a job near New Malden so could pop in and have a look.

Send me some details to [email protected]
monocouche means one layer or one coat which is the type of rendering you are on about., there are different brands, K rend being one
Had som1 in at the site yesterday. They advised weber pral. Monocouche.without scaffolding about £6k. Qouted bag at £12 each. 200 bags
Work took 10 days two plasterers. They did well but there estimate for tthe bags was wrong. I got 48 WEBER Pral M in chalk 25 KG bags on site. Bought fromimdters Croydon. They have a no return policy. So if som1 interested in buying please contact me on 07873637762. Thanx
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