work situation

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New Member
Morning everyone from a snowy southend on sea just after some advice / info on the work situation out there i was on my own for about 10 years but work went slow about 2 yrs ago so went back to hgv driving not a good idea long hours and crap wages but it has bridged the gap but i am looking at getting back out here this year hopefully and was intrested to know if there is much about i done mosly private work before and a few small builders any advice wpould be appriciated and any work would be even more appriciated lol got to start somewhere thanks in advance paul. packplastering
Hi Paul, Im in Torbay in the south west. There is a lot of work down our way but lots of competition so lots of undercutting and backstabbing. We tick along ok but that is from regulars and word of mouth. advertising brings in a little but wouldnt be enough to live off. Get to know other plasterers and keep in with them, a lot of my work comes from spreads I have known for years and we always pass work back and forth.
There is a lot of thin coat render happening all over the country, I dont do it myself but I know there are firms on here that offer training.
Id keep one foot in the cab though, that security might be handy. Good luck mate
Thanks for the advice everyone going to get some adds out in the next couple of weeks see how things go 5 days a week driving min10max 15 hrs work stay away all week in cab clear £425.00 must be able to earn more than that spreading used to do that in a couple of days a few years ago
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