Worm and stator

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Hi guys

I normally use a d6 stator for spraying weber monocouche, would you say this is the best one to use or would you recommend any other. Also what would you say is the average life expectancy of the stator ( ie how many bags should they be able to go through)
We need a new clapable for our ritmo whats the best? The B 4–1.5 L that comes with it?
we get about 400 bags out of a d-63 with a clamp using weber we would get about double . As for using a d-42 , because there a lower output its like watching paint dry for the person ruling . Why use a slower R&S if you dont need to.
I very nearly caught my clampable r+s on fire yesterday, i could smell this stink of burning rubber so popped the hose off and about a fistfull of rubber granuals fell out along with a load of smoke.

beat that!
there's no way a d4-2 is the same out put as the 63 and i have always been told by les that the 4-2 is about 18 and the 6-3 is 23 as gary says . anyone who has used a 4-2 can plainly see its a slower R&S and the question was about how many pallets and its going to be around 18 with a clamp
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