Worry about Reskims?


Do you expirienced guys still worry about a Reskim incase it comes off?
I'm a brickie but always put my hand in on plastering, Render etc, ( My old man was a plastering for 50 years,
No worries at all about Roughcasting , Render etc,
Reskims always give me a twitch lol in case it comes off,
Done quite a lot and never had a call back,
Not enough to say expirienced but customers are happy but I'm a nervous wreck!! :-)
When in doubt of surfaces that have high suction use blue grit a lot will argue pva isn't strong enough as it sits on the surface, instead of absorbing but in all honestly two good coats of it mixed wright I've had no problems.
Like your style Zombie!! Probably a good attitude in some cases to have,
I done a Reskim the day, Guys mother came in to see and she wants her room done!
Got another tomorrow ,
Kind of good as I've not long went on my own, As long as the nerves hold up :-)
Like your style Zombie!! Probably a good attitude in some cases to have,
I done a Reskim the day, Guys mother came in to see and she wants her room done!
Got another tomorrow ,
Kind of good as I've not long went on my own, As long as the nerves hold up :)

It gets easier mate to not give a f**k!!! Lol

I used to care massivley, and still do about leave a good job etc..

But beyond that couldn't care a tuppence if it falls off as I'm driving away tbh if I've explained all pitfalls like the Armageddon first!!!

I generalybcare even less if I dont like them...then I can be really brutal!!! Lol
Once upon a time all we had was pva. Nowadays I use sbr a lot, but to my knowledge there has never been a problem with my realism whatever sealant has been used......just use enough of it!!
I tend to get worse as I get older.
In my early 20s I thought I was the mutts nuts. Now I'm in my 30s. I realise how f**k**g little I know about the trade, and worry all the time about being s**t!
Did a job the other day for one of the guys that taught me. Worried myself silly. Barely slept for the duration of the job.....

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Used to a little but after spending most my skimming life going on top of old stuff you sorta of learn that the way the first coat of pva reacts to the surface you know how the skim will act.

I've lost walls to high suction, ceilings to distemper etc I I dont doubt ill still have it again just one of those things.

Best way to look at it is if you do make a honest mistake it can always be put right after and in the end everyone is happy