Hi there! I was hoping to ask people with expertise as to whether I would be right to ask about getting some elements of a recent skim redone. I really don't want to be a nightmare client and wrongly accuse my plasterer of doing a bad job!
For background - we've had most of our house skimmed, we had a lot of problems getting the wallpaper off some of the plasterboard walls and so some of the walls were in not great condition. Our plasterer recommended a hardwall layer on the walls in bad condition, and he'd do a straightforward skim on the walls in better condition.
Now I'm not sure what happened, and whether the recent heatwave affected the skim, but it seems like the skim on the walls that were in better condition is showing a lot of these minor cracks (or crazing?). If it was on the walls that were in the bad condition I feel like it would be more our responsibility, but because it's instead happened on the walls in better condition I feel like we would be reasonable to ask him to redo?
For background - we've had most of our house skimmed, we had a lot of problems getting the wallpaper off some of the plasterboard walls and so some of the walls were in not great condition. Our plasterer recommended a hardwall layer on the walls in bad condition, and he'd do a straightforward skim on the walls in better condition.
Now I'm not sure what happened, and whether the recent heatwave affected the skim, but it seems like the skim on the walls that were in better condition is showing a lot of these minor cracks (or crazing?). If it was on the walls that were in the bad condition I feel like it would be more our responsibility, but because it's instead happened on the walls in better condition I feel like we would be reasonable to ask him to redo?