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Here you go Olli add this one to the draw nice little prize for someone

1. 1 5m ox Pro tape
2. 3 rolls spider scrim
3. Dealt plastic see through glasses
4. Dewalt pz2 impact torsion kit

I would have through a large dewalt jumper in but I lost my jacket and had to put it on.. Plus I think it wouldn't have fit most of the fatty on here


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    2.6 MB · Views: 225
Here you go Olli add this one to the draw nice little prize for someone

1. 1 5m ox Pro tape
2. 3 rolls spider scrim
3. Dealt plastic see through glasses
4. Dewalt pz2 impact torsion kit

I would have through a large dewalt jumper in but I lost my jacket and had to put it on.. Plus I think it wouldn't have fit most of the fatty on here

Ben you are a legend, thank you so much