Young plasterer needed Redditch area

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Don't know what the f**k my mums got to do with asking for work
How old mate.van ,,what you been plastering and what can you do.,HONESTLY.!!
Give me a bell on 07528 698420 names daz this lot wanna talk about my mum for some reason
Thst actually made me laugh f**k**g clowns on here is this somewhere to find work or just rip the piss im 36 not a 16 year old school boy
Been plastering 15 yrs mate was also a doorman for 5 years i can handle the banter however F*****g about dont pay the bills
I got big fingers ask the other lads muns i keep hitting wrong buttons
Big fingers and hands are always good. Well for fisting anyway.
Thst actually made me laugh f**k**g clowns on here is this somewhere to find work or just rip the piss im 36 not a 16 year old school boy

Site was set up for a place for plasterers to chat and a bi product of that is work gets passed about :)
True.when i asked for young I got 17 and 18. Maybe 36 is young in a grown ups mind.!! Odd
Yoi also posted another add shortly after saying young lads a waste of time and you were looking for a plasterer that wants to earn correct me if im wromg