Thats a nice collection of tools.Do you use them??
The 11" and 14" are my finishing trowels. The 16" to 20" are used for laying down

Thats a nice collection of tools.Do you use them??
Finishing what cakes? I try and keep my trowels very clean but they aint as clean as them babys. You must be a proud man.The 11" and 14" are my finishing trowels. The 16" to 20" are used for laying down![]()
Love it its just like the originalI hereby name my first toolbox the Flynnyman, in honour of our esteemed moderator. It took 3 hours to make and comfortably houses my collection of 11", 14" x2, 16", 18" and 20" trowels :RpS_biggrin:
Finishing what cakes? I try and keep my trowels very clean but they aint as clean as them babys. You must be a proud man.
Love it its just like the originali see you didnt make my alterations for the handboard YET but we are getting there.
Love it its just like the originali see you didnt make my alterations for the handboard YET but we are getting there.
You bought one Flynny?
I bloody designed it i am supposed to be testing them but we will see![]()
One marvel of the age we live in is that you can order something from the comfort of your home and it'll arrive the next day. I managed to find a Festool box of the same specification with the assistance of TonyM.
After unpackaging the box, I could immediately appreciate that the box was well constructed. The colour scheme is consistent with all boxes made by Festool: their brand colour is ivory and green. If you don't like the colour scheme, there is a company called Tanos that makes them in different colours but you don't get "Festool" embossed on the outside (whether that really matters or not).
There is one downside to this box, from the photo shown below, you will notice that the inside of the box has many ridges and supports. The profile is also not perfectly rectangular as there are many subtle recesses. This will consequently make cutting the insert more difficult. Therefore, you may decide that it is easier to choose a box that is easier to work with, but for the purposes of this experiment I shall continue with what I have.
Hopefully the foam will arrive today as well :RpS_biggrin:
I bloody designed it i am supposed to be testing them but we will see![]()
I hereby name my first toolbox the Flynnyman, in honour of our esteemed moderator. It took 3 hours to make and comfortably houses my collection of 11", 14" x2, 16", 18" and 20" trowels :RpS_biggrin:
I bloody designed it i am supposed to be testing them but we will see![]()
Just a quick one... How often does Minh have your cock in his mouth?
never seen anything as daft,
whats up with just puting your gear in a bucket, as has been the case since time begun.
turn up on site with that and get laughed at.
What size handboard are you using? The maximum size the box can only accommodate is 13.5"![]()
I use a bucket but once you trowel gets so sharp it gets niks very easy, you dont do much skimmin so i doubt it will affect you.
i take your point,
but when we were in the plastering game we just had sleeves to put over the trowels.
how would you keep a box like that clean, its impracticle at the very least
nothing wrong with looking after your tools, but your bordering on ocd with that.
I can smell jelousy![]()
He said "I hereby name my first toolbox the Flynnyman, in honour of our esteemed moderator." So its in your headI nearly throw up before with his comment on flynnyman the bestest mod in the world of something.. I'd watch out bud he's defo after a pork swording :RpS_laugh:
He said "I hereby name my first toolbox the Flynnyman, in honour of our esteemed moderator." So its in your head![]()
He said "I hereby name my first toolbox the Flynnyman, in honour of our esteemed moderator." So its in your head![]()
Bloody nice job Minh. I like that a lot!!!!!
Where did you get the foam from? And how did you go about cutting the shapes out to house the tools?
Asking out of interest Minh as I think it looks smart why so up tight about it?
Here's my Stanley sarnie box. I didn't make it but bought off tinternet! :RpS_cool: