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Got the black anodised handboard off dewalt . Great ! Cleans up amazing. Seen they have a range of trowels out and wondered if anyone has a comparison to the old trusty martial town?
Got the black anodised handboard off dewalt . Great ! Cleans up amazing. Seen they have a range of trowels out and wondered if anyone has a comparison to the old trusty martial town?
Yep got em

They're OK

Leather handles

Probably made by Level 5 (or some white labelling going on)

They guarantee the blade to NEVER pop a rivet

They say there is more chance of the blade taring in half than the rivets coming away.

Size for size, they're definitely lighter than marshalltown.

Well made though.
martial town

Foam addict more like ! Poor lad, hope he manages to leave that evil behind and make something of himself one of these days. I live in hope !
@ChrispyUK has fortitude and he doesn't need your hope.
That's just that sort of lackadaisical approach that's gotten him into the pitiful state he now find himself in !
You really aren't doing him any favours there mate, its about time you both woke up to the hard facts of this issue. I live in hope for the both of you !
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