rocwool slabs

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whats the script with this insulation,we're fixing 100 mm fire stop between each floor on ablock of flats its soaking wet like a sponge with this rain we've had surely it has to be dry before we mesh it and render
Woha dood

Never let this material get wet to start with - millions of pounds worth of claims have gone through because of wet wool rendered into buildings and trapped it should be kept dry always and when on the wall and fixed sheeted up each night.

Yes you need to let the wool dry out fully it will take ages get a sheet over it pal.

I rectified a job where fire breaks were sodden when installed eventually the water had to go somewhere - it went inside and cuased a few grands worth of damp but usually it blows the render (delamination) and once the scabies has set in the whole job will usually get re-done on a claim....

Good luck buddy seek advice from the manufacturers technical dept (not the sales rep)

forgot to mention

If this job is an EPS with only the fire bands in wool slab a tip I use is;

Cut the size you want insidoors and wrap it fully in mesh and base first make a batch a time, then once dry bond them into place - already protected then follow with subsequent mesh when you come through the wall with base - never fails mate we been doing this since forages
Thats an interestin method.basically use the base coat to protect until scrim process.
Is that right?
Would that not put price up bit tho if works out alot of area?

I likd it
Thats an interestin method.basically use the base coat to protect until scrim process.
Is that right?
Would that not put price up bit tho if works out alot of area?

I likd it

No Pal Wool fire breaks have to be meshed twice anyway per spec its not base only, once cut, we wrap mesh and base around it on a bench or somewhere and leave them to dry then fit them as coated slabs instead of wool. protected and to spec.
aye they usually on taller buildings like hotels or blocks of flats not really on a house. get a labourer set up in a room show him the crack and have him make them up on a price
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