Recent content by Madmax

  1. Madmax

    Need a second opinion - BAD WORK?

    Perfect The proof at last... the moon landings were facked
  2. Madmax


    Upside down hop up screwed to a skateboard pulled by longdogs. Hang tools from legs of hop up.
  3. Madmax

    Gritty bitty f**k u

    Not to me it ain't I get bond it and blue grit slot cheaper than that . Next Refurb that warrants it I will give it a crack. Cheers
  4. Madmax

    Gritty bitty f**k u

    f**k**g dear but I'm going give it a go next Refurb
  5. Madmax

    Gritty bitty f**k u

    Who Makes it?
  6. Madmax

    Gritty bitty f**k u

    Not used it why is it better?
  7. Madmax

    Gritty bitty f**k u

    Bonding as in carlite
  8. Madmax

    Gritty bitty f**k u

    I recon if the backgrounds dog s**t then blue grit and skim or PVA bonding coat and skim
  9. Madmax

    Gritty bitty f**k u

    I have never washed a wall or ceiling never used sugar soap long as the papers off never had a problem.i Like going on dry PVA if it's a bit shinny hate smudgey gear .
  10. Madmax

    Gritty bitty f**k u

    BG stuff or Feb stuff water it down doesn't hurt
  11. Madmax

    Gritty bitty f**k u

    You can water down plasprime and blue grit but not loads, done it loads of times on jobs I have been back to and it had not failed. Gear just pulls in a bit faster
  12. Madmax

    Gritty bitty f**k u

    Unicorn s**t is silver. Meant to say
  13. Madmax

    Gritty bitty f**k u

    Unicorn white is silver . U know f**k all about unicorns. A hand full of kiln dried and a glug of SBR in your PVA and some food colouring and you have home made blue grit which you can go on the same day.
  14. Madmax

    Gritty bitty f**k u

    I like it so f**k u 2! I get my boy to paint the s**t on though and charge more for two visits. Don’t paint it yourself you donut it’s messy and blue and gritty. Go to the pub for lunch while your boy does the s**t jobs.
  15. Madmax

    Boiled eggs

    I can’t grow veg my dogs dog it up. I own every shitty blade of grass in my shitty garden and I am the b*****d contractor but I like your philosophy mate family come first agreed.