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  1. S

    Rendering a Boundary wall, 2 different brick facings

    Thanks for the advice zombie. Cheers
  2. S

    Rendering a Boundary wall, 2 different brick facings

    Going on good this scotrend. Doing what I can in my free time.
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    Rendering a Boundary wall, 2 different brick facings

    Concrete brick have there rougher side facing out and the joints are scraped out. The common brick I power washed and wire brushed to remove the paint so rougher than usual and the joints scraped for loose mortar so plenty of key on that wall.
  4. S

    Rendering a Boundary wall, 2 different brick facings

    It's been a long time since I rendered anything and it was usually always onto breeze block. So it was just make sure it was dust free and the suction was under control then it was straight on with sand and cement mix scratch coat then same for floating up coat. Ok, so do I put the scratch coat...
  5. S

    Rendering a Boundary wall, 2 different brick facings

    Ok thanks, SBR it is, sorry if this sounds dense, I,m capable of rendering, (although a very long time ago) but i.m unsure of all the admixtures and such so do I use it as a bonding agent on the wall for the scratch coat to adhere to and also through both mixes scratch and floating coats? I...
  6. S

    Rendering a Boundary wall, 2 different brick facings

    I have 30 sqm of boundary wall I would like to render, having never used krend or any of the other makes, I was advised to just go with scot rend as its basically sand and cement. back wall is concrete and the other brick is just common brick, joints are scrapped out, its all been cleaned and...
  7. S

    Hug a Sparky!

    your spot on jackster this is no way to be treated but im not gonna discuss this on here we can discuss this on the other forum xxxxxx Your link disnae work mate, might need to put http or .com at the end
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    Money Saving Expert
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    I've just invented the easiest way to flatten walls!!!

    Away, is this genuine?? Plaster that can smooth away deliberately left on trowel lines.
  10. S

    av a look at this

    Would love to know if he is doing this for a customer, his other videos has him working down the docks so how the fook he gets from there to plastering is a mystery. Must be his gaffers pad.
  11. S

    extreme plastering, its the future!

    How cool would that have been if he just dived into the water after all of that.
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    Interesting Lady

    News article about a woman collecting human/dog hair for use in lime plaster for renovating her 16th century home, googled her name and found she does training courses. here is the news... and here is her site...
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    Plastering Jargon - The language of plasterers explained...

    P- Podger, Plunger Terms used to describe a hand mixer or for a monday morning talk about getting yer Nat King Cole.
  14. S

    Knees are the first to go.

    Stepped down from my wee step backwards from doing a ceiling and my left knee just went, I couldnt keep my leg straight and I went down onto my knee. It was the weirdest thing like I had no control over it, was fine after a minute and had no bother after it. Just one of those things I hope it...
  15. S

    Garden Wall .

    Re: Garben Wall . Would a Garden Wall with a DPC not just fall over, what you got holding it up??
  16. S

    Alternative to WBA in B&Q

    cheers guys, job finished today. was setting really fast even after a soaking and 2 coats of PVA.
  17. S

    Air holes in skim ??

    On a different note, I was skimming my mothers bathroom and kitchen and had my brother mix for me, after showing him a few mixes and explaining it all in detail, I noticed that what he was bringing me had loads of air bubbles in it (like vanilla specs in ice cream) turns out he was using the...
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    Alternative to WBA in B&Q

    ok cheers, I've got a wall that looks like it has been varnished or creme broulayed, so wanted some wba on it.
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    Alternative to WBA in B&Q

    Is there an alternative to WBA in B&Q, my local wickes is miles away. Cheers.
  20. S

    Rendering, how do you do it.

    Like it, Gave you the ammo for that reply. :-X
  21. S

    Rendering, how do you do it.

    I'd rather have a hot bath and a wank before I get somebody in.
  22. S

    Faces to names

    join Photobucket, its free, sign up then load up your photos, once that's done go to your photo and it will have and "IMG" link underneath it, copy it, then paste it in a post here, job done.
  23. S

    Anyone having problems with PVA?

    Had a full beard grown for Halloween with the intention of going as Hitler, one of those sick ones. Shaved it off in stages then took photos, of each stage, I'll look see if I can find my Hitler persona. If I ever get a Bike then I am defo gonna get the Handlebar look back.
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    Anyone having problems with PVA?

    Cant help but read your post with a Geordie accent in my head. ;D
  25. S

    Rendering, how do you do it.

    Cheers, The drycast is coming of the facing side only on the concrete lintel, I'll SBR that, I dont think with the weather I will get it done anytime soon. Can you tell me what make of sand I should be using for this job, fine or coarse ( I remember something about salts in sand) thats why I...
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    Rendering, how do you do it.

    Yip it's real, dont have it anymore, changed it for the George clooney look, wanna see.
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    Rendering, how do you do it.

    What type of sand should I use, plain building sand ok or is that to coarse, so so far I should use a 4-1 mix with waterproofer for the scratch coat, then 5-1-1 for the top coat float it in then sponge for the finish., is a wooden or plastic float better or does it not matter. It is not that...
  28. S

    Rendering, how do you do it.

    Replaced the back door and the render around the sides and above the door has came off, want to attempt it for saturday coming. It's back to the brick, do i need to put a scratch coat on first, what kind of sand and cement should I use and in what mix (3-1 etc) and should I use a retarder if I...