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  1. S


    Yes same consistency as cullamix
  2. S


    I've sprayed jobs with krend aswell just as good tbh and far cheaper
  3. S


    Last time I bought cullamix was from ndi in Newton le willows . I think it was around £30 a bag robbing c**ts
  4. S


    Yes done it loads of times . With cullamix and mixed my own
  5. S

    Carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel

    My brothers a groundworker he's waiting for an operation on he's hsnd . They've told him a minimum 6 x weeks rest
  6. S

    Sick of pain

    Physio won't do fuk all for spinal stenosis nor will the NHS Believe me my dad had that it's fukin awful
  7. S

    Newbie. Deaf plasterer and lime plastering

    Is it fuk realistic. Big like 90% of the domestic bumboys on here they live in dream world
  8. S

    Youngens challenge

    Alan Morris drylining Ashton
  9. S

    Dubbing out

    Yes definitely
  10. S

    External rendering in Luton - 20sqm - Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire

    He's related to Rob the blob a dabber at are old firm ha ha
  11. S

    Wood insulation board

    There be no big que to use that stuff . We used it a few years ago on a renovation project in Manchester it's fukin awful stuff
  12. S

    Youngens challenge

    You carry on knicker sniffing twaty and posing round in yer van. Ha ha
  13. S

    K-Rend with TC15

    Just ignore old malc pal. He's even spread rhino s**t on wattle and daub mud huts in deepest ghana . He's the forum number one spread . Oh then it's me ha ha only joking
  14. S

    Dubbing out

    Yes tarmac rubs better . Weber tends to hairline I've found
  15. S

    Youngens challenge

    Yes he's a good kid . Didn't come into the game till he was 19. The firm like him he's keen unlike the other young ballbags we've had
  16. S

    Dubbing out

    No am I fuk it's the dogs nuts . Euro mix used to make ocr aswell that's decent so is gp mortor krend
  17. S

    Youngens challenge

    Yes hats on Inside is fukin awful I agree
  18. S

    Dubbing out

    Yes ha ha
  19. S

    Youngens challenge

    @hes 21 Twatty
  20. S

    Youngens challenge

    Little fooker
  21. S

    Dubbing out

    I'd you ocr tarmac less sag quality product
  22. S

    K-Rend with TC15

    I feel 87 years old working in this heat dabbing in red hot offices
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    K-Rend with TC15

    No problem sorry
  24. S

    K-Rend with TC15

    That's OK that hp12 is a great product and if you can traditionally render it'll be problem for you
  25. S

    K-Rend with TC15

    Hp12 will stick like s**t to a blanket on all them substrates . Trust me I've done it many times and it's fine to this day . Most lads will say hpx or hp14 . Personally I couldn't give a b*ll***s if it's hp SAUCE . BUT GOOD LUCK EITHER WAY
  26. S

    Price per metre skimming on site?

    Most of the so called plasterers aren't even worth paying full stop there works that shite .
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    Money box

  28. S

    Domestic Plastering

    Well aren't you the lucky one sniffing round knicker draws all day. And all I get to sniff is the delivery drivers hairy arse xxxx
  29. S

    Domestic Plastering

    How shite is that in and out with dustsheets and carpet protection. Fook that. But each to there own I suppose
  30. S

    Domestic Plastering

    Lime restoration on a church
  31. S

    Domestic Plastering

    Nobody ever said it was . Its the bellends on here who think we're all one coat house bashing ballbags who sponge and spat . Its far from that in my world
  32. S

    Price per metre skimming on site?

    Yes years ago there rates was shite . So was there firm toy cooonts
  33. S

    Price per metre skimming on site?

    There's no new builds going g up that's what it is . Plus 90 % of new build apartments are now airless sprayed in Manchester
  34. S

    Price per metre skimming on site?

    It is sad but very true what you've said . Most of these lunatics on here have never been on site so they don't understand. I've made rearly good ££ years ago . Now I just make wages and fuk off home . But I'm 51 and couldn't give a fuk about the trade no more . That's why I mainly tack n dab...
  35. S

    Price per metre skimming on site?

    So was we . It's not gone up much in the northwest rates are shite
  36. S

    Price per metre skimming on site?

    £4.00 if your lucky I'm in Salford
  37. S

    Find your joists - or find out

    When I post something it won't be a picture of a shitty overboard on a doss house sonny
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    Find your joists - or find out

    Looks a pile of s**t . Bit like what he posts
  39. S

    Can devil floating and scarifier be used for the same thing?

    That's the most bizarre question I've ever heard . If you want to use a pitch fork for key it makes no odds. But I'll certainly not be skimming over it .
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    Pick & dip

    Especially when he's flicking it on the catnic head lintels please . Ha ha whopper he is
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    Pick & dip

    You crack on then I certainly won't be dabbing using your method . But hey each to there own
  42. S

    Pick & dip

    Whoever dabs with a bucket trowel is one complete lunatic . How you meant to do tidy perimeters with that ffs . You want an 11 inch trowel ha ha
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    A few new tools —-

    Now there a good buy them
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    A few new tools —-

    No because if I had to use bonding on any given day I'd retire from plastering because its awful shite used by domestic splodging Facebook fukwits . Ha ha
  45. S

    A few new tools —-

    There garbage too stiff useless imo