1 coat skimm WHY

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:RpS_thumbsup:Where do I get one of those wand things? Can I get one in the sponge shop
Don't take this the wrong way but you all make me laugh when you go on about 2 coat is better than 1 Do you think just because you 2 coat lads carry a special wand that makes it come out perfect ? some lads 1 coat mono by hand and some lads 2 coat hardwall.....wake up it's got nothing to do with how many coats you put on
We use the Knauf plaster at work and its meant to go on in one coat so if the plaster is a white colour its probably the same stuff and that's why. All we do is coat the beads and the joints then one coat the lot.
We've had jobs where knauf
was specified as a finish left unpainted, the lads that were doing it traditionally got pulled more than the lads who sponged because you could see every sweep
We use the Knauf plaster at work and its meant to go on in one coat so if the plaster is a white colour its probably the same stuff and that's why. All we do is coat the beads and the joints then one coat the lot.
Mp finish to spec is two coat by hand and one coat by machine
did u try the mp curry?

Yep it quite nice. Sprays lovely as it was designed for a ritmo :RpS_thumbsup:

Strange stuff as you think its all going off really quick but you can trowel it even when it darkens. I think ive got a share of 60 300m2 flats to do which they want it used on as it knauf plasterboard and they wanna use the same brand. Should know it inside out after a few thousand meters.
I personally never one coat. I find the finish uncomparable to a two coat skim.
The only exception is where I'm only doing small areas, or one wall at a time...then I might knock up my first coat mix for laying down...still two coats though!!

Years ago i used to use a sponge after crossing...comes out shinier than glass, but no one really wants that do they!
Best policy.

Actually, I bet I could get away with it on good boardwork. Never on reskims tho.
i dont think there is anything wrong with doing it who really cares its all about making money lets be honest you got to be mad to be a spread
nearly new bloke you sound like a lovely chap so I think you should be not so new bloke :RpS_thumbsup:
You aren't transparent David.....as soon as someone agrees with you, you want to bum him into the fatherland!!

One coat sponge FTW.....:RpS_unsure:
Lol I'm in the 1 coat crew now dont know what it will be like going back to 2 coating seems like double the work, but one thing we are doing different is mixing slightly stiffer on the one coat.
Of course i will:RpS_thumbsup:


Do you think you'll still be jumping on every one coat or sponge thread saying the same things in 5....10 years time, dry bumming everyone who agrees with you, or will your life have moved on by then?
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