2nd coat of skim popped off?


Well-Known Member
Hey u guys! So here we go! (Sorry in advance for the waffling lol). I went to look at a job on my way home tonight what had already been skimmed by another local spread, The customer has noticed that after he has painted it all it sounds hollow in a few places and it has popped off in a few spots about as big as a 2 pound coin. While I was there I took a scraper to it and it was coming away in sheets! He told me that this was the 2nd attempt by this other spread to rectify it but the same thing has happened! It's a new one on me because it looks like it's just the 2nd coat of skim that has lifted, and the customer has just called me to say it's come off everywhere in his lounge! Poor bloke is fuming and begging me to put it right for him. Just wondered if this has happened to anyone before because in all my years I've never seen it before?
Delamination......did the first coat set before the second was applied I wonder?
Think you'll have to scrape all the loose off and glue another coat over.
It's never happened to me.
Was it finish over existing? Unibond and set? Or over Newly floated walls , never happened to me ( well I've never had a call back. For it) but seen it loads of times
Delamination......did the first coat set before the second was applied I wonder?
Think you'll have to scrape all the loose off and glue another coat over.
It's never happened to me.
Me nether, I thought the same thing as you maybe he was chasing it and 2nd coated it too late? Or was the gear out of date?
Was it finish over existing? Unibond and set? Or over Newly floated walls , never happened to me ( well I've never had a call back. For it) but seen it loads of times
It was skimmed over existing painted walls, p.v.a'd and set (apparently). I've seen skim coat popped before but it usually all comes off not just the 2nd coat? Weird!
Sounds like he got caught out on the first coat, maybe out of date then just went straight over the top without prepping it.
Thing is I really hate going over other people's work and even with a good couple of coats of glue it will suck like a bitch now. :tonto:
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Too long before second coat applied at a guess, sounds like it if it's happening everywhere
It's come off on every wall? I'm thinking the same as you but surely he would have tried harder if he was chasing it on the first couple of walls?
Get customer to scrape then white wash. Turn up a coat of weak pva then a good strong almost beat coat jobs a good un
Hey u guys! So here we go! (Sorry in advance for the waffling lol). I went to look at a job on my way home tonight what had already been skimmed by another local spread, The customer has noticed that after he has painted it all it sounds hollow in a few places and it has popped off in a few spots about as big as a 2 pound coin. While I was there I took a scraper to it and it was coming away in sheets! He told me that this was the 2nd attempt by this other spread to rectify it but the same thing has happened! It's a new one on me because it looks like it's just the 2nd coat of skim that has lifted, and the customer has just called me to say it's come off everywhere in his lounge! Poor bloke is fuming and begging me to put it right for him. Just wondered if this has happened to anyone before because in all my years I've never seen it before?

I know someone this happened to just recently. The exact same thing. Didnt do anything different to anything done in the last 15 years hes been plastering. It was a bathroom and when he was installing some pvc paneling around the bath, on one wall it popped off in a small section. He put the trowel behind it and the whole wall came off. There was another spread on that job whos been in the game 30-40 years, excellent at it. When the guy reluctantly showed him, he mentioned it can happen sometimes where the skim is just s**t! There was a job he was on years ago, really large site in the north and everyone had just moved in. One ceiling popped like this, gypsum called out and the whole site closed down, all families put in hotels for a few weeks and all ceilings where pulled and redone. This recent case, it was mentioned in the builders yard and they said one or two whernt happy with the skim and where given a few free bags including this guy to rectify it.
Use sbr to go over it will control the suction more grits don't control suction apart from microgobetis
It's come off on every wall? I'm thinking the same as you but surely he would have tried harder if he was chasing it on the first couple of walls?
He may not know any different, two coats everyone go's on about so he's given it two coats but first coat set carried on as norm who knows I've seen funny different techniques all my working life, I've seen people put bonding coat on just because they have been told it's pvabond skim, hope ya sorted it
Sbr on interior work would be a new one for me. I love the stuff but only ever used it for rendering over brickwork. Was thinking I'll give it a special mix, thistle with a couple good handfuls of carlite then 2nd coat of straight thistle. :bailando:
Sbr on interior work would be a new one for me. I love the stuff but only ever used it for rendering over brickwork. Was thinking I'll give it a special mix, thistle with a couple good handfuls of carlite then 2nd coat of straight thistle. :bailando:
Carlite ?
Yeah, probably showing my age now lol. Used to be carlite Bonding coat now it's called thistle bonding coat. This will confuse all the younger spreads!
Yep confused me :bailando:had a builder ask me last week if I needed some carlite I just looked at him thinking what's this s**t he's on about.
I'm sure we all let the first coat go a bit long before second on occasions. I remember getting a call from the school that my son had got chewing gum in his hair and was refusing to go back to class. I had to sort that inbetween coats. Ok, so it's hard work and a bit gritty, but I've never had a second coat come away and i would've thought the chemical bond would keep it adhered. I can't see that being the reason.
I'm sure we all let the first coat go a bit long before second on occasions. I remember getting a call from the school that my son had got chewing gum in his hair and was refusing to go back to class. I had to sort that inbetween coats. Ok, so it's hard work and a bit gritty, but I've never had a second coat come away and i would've thought the chemical bond would keep it adhered. I can't see that being the reason.
It's really weird, I've never seen it. Bags of gear could have possibly been out of date or stored in damp conditions? There's been a break down somewhere that's for sure.