addiction cost me everything

None of us are perfect give the guy a break he knows he f**k*d up

Really ??? He spunked £500 on the Liverpool game the other day, no lessons have been learned here. Absolutely no thought for his 2 children he deserves every bit he gets, even though it's most likely a fake account
f**k it. that's pretty deep. the same approach is used for treating social anxiety, a crippling condition that leave sufferers paralysed by fear and unable to perform even the most mundane tasks. the only reality is now.

I suffer with that big time. And i've never seeked any type of help.
Just started reading the chimp paradox after seeing it advertised a lot, only a chapter in but it's fascinating learning how the brain works. Cut a long story short the chimp in your brain is a separate part of the brain that acts on emotion that you need to control, the front of the brain is the human part where you make all your rational decisions and you have to stop the chimp clouding this.
Just started reading the chimp paradox after seeing it advertised a lot, only a chapter in but it's fascinating learning how the brain works. Cut a long story short the chimp in your brain is a separate part of the brain that acts on emotion that you need to control, the front of the brain is the human part where you make all your rational decisions and you have to stop the chimp clouding this.
Wanking that bad pal!?
Just started reading the chimp paradox after seeing it advertised a lot, only a chapter in but it's fascinating learning how the brain works. Cut a long story short the chimp in your brain is a separate part of the brain that acts on emotion that you need to control, the front of the brain is the human part where you make all your rational decisions and you have to stop the chimp clouding this.
good book. bit like what sponker is saying about his silent partner. though the chimp is far from silent. wish i had a pound for everytime he says chimp in that book
then again, maybe he means like a dark passenger, like in dexter. f**k knows. theres nothing so queer as folk
future generations of historians and scientists ,nobel prize winners ,will look back on this thread as the defining moment when the massed ranks of plasterers turned against each other, and were wiped out ,.....plasterers can not concentrate thinking about this thread already i hear tales of building sites being set alight,multi being put straight onto bare brick walls,stocks of plaster being ruined through the night gypsum wagons vandalised, mark my words anarchy on the streets ,the revoloution has started,......soon the cyborgs mutants and zombies will rise and take over our work,and customers, although sometimes i think they have started already, run away run away i say go now save yourselves keep away from this thread,...............anyhoooooooooo we must count our blessings those of us who are still here, it could be worse ,....dare i say it , well i will ,despite the advice and warnings, could have been about the handboard hawk issue ,which we talk about in hushed tones/whispers/point and stare, but we all know this issue is still out there.
Meanwhile the delights of rutherglen tescos :birras:
addiction cost me everything
addiction cost me everything

And the suns out its a feckin miracle


  • addiction cost me everything
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Make it stop! For the love of God, make it stop!! Lol
can not do it dropsalot, must keep thread going , for future generations of plasterers who are yet to appear on this forum, they will have so much respect for us ,or not,....must keep thread going ,....handboard it is not a hawk,...thats bound to provoke an angry response name calling/letters to parliament,and so thread will keep going,.....also had a song in my head all day and i just could not remember it until now, darlin by the beach boys, really good song ,...just thought i would mention it,....keep thread going ,........
can not do it dropsalot, must keep thread going , for future generations of plasterers who are yet to appear on this forum, they will have so much respect for us ,or not,....must keep thread going ,....handboard it is not a hawk,...thats bound to provoke an angry response name calling/letters to parliament,and so thread will keep going,.....also had a song in my head all day and i just could not remember it until now, darlin by the beach boys, really good song ,...just thought i would mention it,....keep thread going ,........
Hector, I'm with you all the way, It's nice to see another spread bringing a leftfield, surrealist element to proceedings. In my early teens I was hooked on the beach boys and my all time summer fave was darlin' got a really nice pace to that track. Then I discovered Brian Wilson and pet sounds.... Love that guy.
Hector, I'm with you all the way, It's nice to see another spread bringing a leftfield, surrealist element to proceedings. In my early teens I was hooked on the beach boys and my all time summer fave was darlin' got a really nice pace to that track. Then I discovered Brian Wilson and pet sounds.... Love that guy.

Suits me :sorprendido3:
Hector, I'm with you all the way, It's nice to see another spread bringing a leftfield, surrealist element to proceedings. In my early teens I was hooked on the beach boys and my all time summer fave was darlin' got a really nice pace to that track. Then I discovered Brian Wilson and pet sounds.... Love that guy.

Or just someone who is clearly bonkers.
Hector, I'm with you all the way, It's nice to see another spread bringing a leftfield, surrealist element to proceedings. In my early teens I was hooked on the beach boys and my all time summer fave was darlin' got a really nice pace to that track. Then I discovered Brian Wilson and pet sounds.... Love that guy.
fantastic record squarehead,glad somebody appreciated it ,just in my head all day,.....good to see we both have the same leftfield surrealist element to proceedings,different take and view on things,not sure everybody gets me at times,......van off road today needs new clutch, been playing the doors,touch me,riders on a storm and one of my real favourites eloise by barry ryan,one of those days today ,all the best hector.

what the heck is all this about a.plasterer, going right over my head this fellah , he with us, need to listen to some good music ,......not this teapot,...the doors/bob dylan/neil young/cream,....this will improve your mental health ,no longer will you be pointed at in the street,......people will respect you more,........take my advice on above bands,.....not this plant pot
Feck me the joy of this planet is its a stage and full of characters .
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actually think you were right first time,.......the planet is a stage and full of characters,.....sounds like some ancient buddhist proverb,......something to think about and ponder on tomorrow,....the planet is a stage full of chracters, just the music side to get right now a. plasterer, hope for you yet
what the heck is all this about a.plasterer, going right over my head this fellah , he with us, need to listen to some good music ,......not this teapot,...the doors/bob dylan/neil young/cream,....this will improve your mental health ,no longer will you be pointed at in the street,......people will respect you more,........take my advice on above bands,.....not this plant pot
Trust me my music taste is diverse been a skinhead,rude boy, mod , pot head n cheesy quaver and prob jumped over or tunneled under or walked through more fences into festys than most .
Bruv in law is promoter so get freebies now :birras: but yeah not all music suits all :)