Advice on hand applied plasters in Germany.

james g

New Member
i live in switzerland and am close to the German border. I'm looking for a hand applied plaster that trowels up as good or as close to Bg multifinish as possible. I will be buying all of my materials in Germany. I'm really struggling to find the correct products here, please help???
for dubbing out or floating, kips black band or gold band, kips is the trading name of knauf .
for finish, sigma self finishing plaster, this sets on contact with air so keep the bucket covered.
i live in switzerland and am close to the German border. I'm looking for a hand applied plaster that trowels up as good or as close to Bg multifinish as possible. I will be buying all of my materials in Germany. I'm really struggling to find the correct products here, please help???
Try Sto mineralish Spachtelmasse or brilux but it,s a bit more expensive
If one coat work? Mp75 Leicht was good gear especially if you sponged and troweled it twice (y)
Mp75L is a projection plaster with a Minimum Thickness of 7 mm and a average of 12mm today there is also the Mp75LL . To obtain the best results ( Q3 ) have to use the H Kadeche first and then the Trapeze kardeche like a rasor. First troweling to a smooth surface (not to early please ) then sponge (not to early please ).
After sponging wait again a vieuw minutes and then trowel it up.
NEXT day just spay a litLe water on the wall and trowel it again VERRY sharp.:)
If one coat work? Mp75 Leicht was good gear especially if you sponged and troweled it twice (y)
If then have to delivery a Q4 let dry the wall well ( one mm drying at day ) then apply Multi finisch with lots of light diriged to the walls.
Thanks for all of the replies. Looks like I've got a few products to test out to see which works best for me.
Thats right James there are no standarts bei the materials all depanding of the way we use them.
By the way i live in Germany and there are a lots of offers for plasterers in Switzerland but live is verry expensive over there . Tschüss schönes tag noch.
@Manos where abouts in Germany do you live? I was in Sud-west for 8 years i loved it and only came back because you lot started the bloody Euro ffs !!! Id still be there now otherwise
No way Marsho stay in England thinks are getting worth and worth over here since the Est countries came to te EU.I work as a subie here in Bayern by Munich and i can guarantie you that things ( Prices ) are getting worth every year.I,ve sale all my Tools and machines ( 2 X ) a month ago cause i dont have any motivation working for Peanuts.
I live in schaffhausen 20 mins from the border where I can get to Singen and right on the border of Jestetten. Manos you should look into doing some work in Switzerland, seems there is a bit of a building boom going on especially in this area. Myself I've just been doing a bit of private work as we came here for my wife's job and I'm officially a Hausmann.
Anyone got any experience of using goldband as a skimcoat? An old timer recomended it saying he used it as skim and it troweled up nice???
Anyone got any experience of using goldband as a skimcoat? An old timer recomended it saying he used it as skim and it troweled up nice???
Its not for skimming mate and rotband is better but again not fine enough to "skim" (3-5mm) yourbetter off with Knauf MP finish if thats what you want to do with it??
Its not for skimming mate and rotband is better but again not fine enough to "skim" (3-5mm) yourbetter off with Knauf MP finish if thats what you want to do with it??
Thats right Marshy, Gold band and rot band is mostly used for repair on old wall
from a thikness up to 5 Millimeter witch will have to Support wallpapers.
for a nice and smooth finish thee is the Knauf mp finish or the Knauf Multi finish witch is a bit more expensive.
Thanks lads! I'm going with your recommendations, I've got a nice big basement area in my house to try out the different products. I'll let you know how I get on. Cheers!
Advice on hand applied plasters in Germany.
Advice on hand applied plasters in Germany.
I ise knauf one coat on the odd ocassion @Marshy have you any tips on timings of using the sponge to bring up the fat for the finish. I always seem to do it too early and get blisters so leave it and do it again later.
If its the same as MP75 (cant seeing be much different ?) We applied (spray or by hand) flatten it in with the rule then rule again with a featheredge when its picked up. Then close in with the spat and then wet down and sponge and we didnt trowel it too early. Sometimes we sponged and troweled twice which did leave a finish on par with our gypsum plasters back home
Thanks, i know the spat is used to fill in at the end and then leave it open a bit just like render so it will set so as to sponge just at the right time.
Not sure what you mean by wet down?
Because we were machine applying and doing large areas we used a hosepipe and spray gunnto wet down before sponging or youd be there for ages splashing water on with a brush or thos small spraygun things used in gardening etc or worse still dipping sponge float in water every few seconds
Ok mate yes, i just dip the sponge in a bucket of water. Ive also used it as a backing plaster then skimmed next day with knauf multi finish.
Lads I can't find anywhere that stocks mp finish in either germany or switzerland. It seems to be more aimed at the UK market. Manos any idea where I can get it? I can get knauf multi finish, expensive though at 30 odd euro's a bag but the Swiss clients won't mind haha!
Ok thanks marshy! I'm using the rotband haftputzgips as my bonding coat I quite like it actually, it's almost identical to what we use back home. So now hopefully I can source some mp finish and I'm good to go. If not what's the knauf multi like?
Ive not tried the knauf multi mate and rotband is great but you cant finish it the same as mp75 as you dont get much fat from sponging. When i was in Germany 20 year ago there was mp75 which was in brown bags and very coarse then they brought out mp75L which was much finer and much better to use
Lads I can't find anywhere that stocks mp finish in either germany or switzerland. It seems to be more aimed at the UK market. Manos any idea where I can get it? I can get knauf multi finish, expensive though at 30 odd euro's a bag but the Swiss clients won't mind haha!
Hi James ,
Knauf Multi finish by Hornbach 25 euro a bag of 25 Kilo. 3 kg bei 3 mm thikness for a m2. = 1 Kilo eatch mm .