All I'm saying is your a guy in your mid 20's who is a salesman
You don't have any experience in our world of going out there winning work direct to customers,builders etc
I have expressed my views on various machines yes as I've seen 2 demo's and thought 1 of them was ok(m tec) and the other (eze) was not worth the money.
Your obviously going well.
Chill out
Chill out? Your relentless to be honest and I hate to say it publicly as its not something I do, it's getting boring!
I don't need to post my CV or justify anything I do on here and especially to you. But I'm 28 and have been involved in what I do since I was very young. My Dad was teaching me about machines and had me servicing generators, diesels etc at the age of about 12! I also worked on site for 2 years labouring/building before I started here and still do contracting floor screeds. In fact, I did my first floor screed at the age of 10, with a machine!
Im also the Director of the company who does many other things not just selling. To be honest, I do hardly any selling day to day - Another example of you using your imagination to fabricate your own knowledge.
We also deal directly with home owners Rob, the amount who come in daily and asked for Render etc and I go to the property talk to them and suggest whats best - I then provide a contractor for them. So technically I am qualified to say this!
I honestly can't even remember you coming down for 2 demos on our machines - I maybe wrong. Even though seeing a demo when you have no experience in machines, gives you absolutely no qualifications to make your assumptions. I will happily put the M-tec and EZE range against any of your machines and show you why they are better!
You are the only person who slates the EZE 24 continuously. Everyone else who owns or uses loves it!
To be honest, Im bored of reading your posts and you constantly trying to get a reaction - focus on what you do Rob and stop trying to stir the pot