f**k**g one. What's it gonna beMorning,Been asked to look at a job for the director of our site.The archeticht who designed it said it had to have a air test score of 1 or under?.Is this achievable with dot and dabbing the walls?Think it might be best to swerve the job.Any advice appreciated.
Solid dab on all perimeters sockets/switches etc , still won’t be fully air tight but as near damm itMorning,Been asked to look at a job for the director of our site.The archeticht who designed it said it had to have a air test score of 1 or under?.Is this achievable with dot and dabbing the walls?Think it might be best to swerve the job.Any advice appreciated.
What to get 1 . What's normal they ask forSolid dab on all perimeters sockets/switches etc , still won’t be fully air tight but as near damm it
seen worse passThis house was air tested and pissed out every where, Iol
i am a fan of air tapeMost of the high end timber frame s**t I work in comes out less than one. They use Propassiv smartply and air tape everything, even the screws. Can’t see dabbing getting that low.
The only reason architects want a low score, is to brag about it to their architect mates and clients, so it leads to more work.Why does he want to go so low? - cocked up his SAT calcs/window sizes etc?
If he wants it so low he needs to specify how to do it, he's just passing the buck for an idealistic standard with no idea how to acheive it - just like a politician.
Following on my my post,started to parge walls,but now can't get hold of any parge till start of February.Would Hardwall/Bonding coat do the job.Or would the boards not stick to it.Advce appreciatedThe only reason architects want a low score, is to brag about it to their architect mates and clients, so it leads to more work.
And for once I’m not joking.
Good money on a meterageYou would probably need to parge coat the walls first.
Is that the tape with the holes in it?i am a fan of air tape