Am i doing summet wrong

If I have to do a blend, and I'd rather skim out a wall than blend if poss, then I at least try to find a convenient place such as taking it to a door frame so there's only a foot or so to blend in at the top. Can't remember who, but someone showed me the Stanley knife trick of scoring to give an edge to blend in to, works for me anyway. Failing that, I'd rather use easi fill, especially if its a smallish patch in the middle of a wall or ceiling. Used to do a fair bit of car body work when I was younger so apply a similar approach now to houses, but blending a patch of easi fill in on a wall is a doddle compared to prepping a car for paint. Just practice though and deciding the right approach. Bit of bonding followed by easifil works nicely in a lot of cases.
Done that cut as well,,,,think easi fill sanded is superior to cut,,,,try both then paint and decide.
If I have to do a blend, and I'd rather skim out a wall than blend if poss, then I at least try to find a convenient place such as taking it to a door frame so there's only a foot or so to blend in at the top. Can't remember who, but someone showed me the Stanley knife trick of scoring to give an edge to blend in to, works for me anyway. Failing that, I'd rather use easi fill, especially if its a smallish patch in the middle of a wall or ceiling. Used to do a fair bit of car body work when I was younger so apply a similar approach now to houses, but blending a patch of easi fill in on a wall is a doddle compared to prepping a car for paint. Just practice though and deciding the right approach. Bit of bonding followed by easifil works nicely in a lot of cases.

Finishing to a door frame is a good idea :-) I rather skin a whole wall than patch