1200 Comfort profile spat and massive flexi trowelSo what do you use now?
1200 Comfort profile spat and massive flexi trowelSo what do you use now?
Ye but uve got more times to do other things.why would you want to flatten a 30m2 lid with a trowel young man? Speedskim twice then medi and super..job done
Ye but uve got more times to do other things.why would you want to flatten a 30m2 lid with a trowel young man? Speedskim twice then medi and super..job done
i'll ave arf.I'm too tight lol may get some 1800 and chop it up
Because he knows what he is doing but we get told site spreads are rough
Urgh, You mean the dog?Don’t you get bored talking about spats plazi b*ll***s! Just get job done get paid go home get pissed shag ya mrs or boyfriend or gender neutral partner that neither identifies as male or female non binary person
Depends what she’s wearingUrgh, You mean the dog?