Panic about a mild cold? What good would that do? It isn’t even anywhere near bog standard influenza numbers yet, of which we have a vaccine and it still kills 300 Americans a day.
The panic should be about the catastrophic economic damage this scaremongering is going to cause. I’ll put a bet now that stress and worry from not being able to earn money due to this quarantine bullshit will kill far more otherwise healthy people than coronavirus will.
I just can’t believe how thick and gullible the majority of people are. newspapers and social media have done a number on them.
It was all china china china until the numbers dramatically dropped, nobody talking about Wuhan now..
Then it was the cruise ship full of spreading corona.. whatever happened to that?
Now it’s Italy because the numbers suit the media criteria of scaring the s**t out of people. As soon as that fizzles out it will be something else until in a few months people won’t even remember what coronavirus was, same as sars, ebola etc.