Any advice on re- rendering a pebble dashed poured conny house?

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New Member
Hi folks, just been to have a look at a job. To render over existing dash on a poured conny house. Was gonna use a thin coat system. It's all pretty solid. Would like to fix the mesh threw the base, but nothing to fix to. Any advice would be welcome.
you must do a pull test. a conny house, i guess you mean nofines. usually a stainless steel mushroom best bet.
Done a few Wimpy no fines. The render is usually hard as a rock and well stuck! Just a weathered appearance. You may find if you have to hack it off big pockets of dry conny falling out here and there. I would at best hack off back to scratch or remove loose and pressure wash after treating with an algicide. Sbr it and if you want add reinforcement but these Wimpy no fines usually don't move.
I have rendered and dashed loads of no fines houses here in wales, i just give them a good sweep down/wash if necessary ,if sound just scratch and butter/dash, if not sound hack and patch then scratch and dash, some guys just butter coat and dash straight away down here , and work off ladders F nutters :-).......
Thanks gents, appreciate the advice. Hack loose if any,Jet wash, alga side, then thin coat. That will do.
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