Any nice pressies of your clients

hail hail

Private Member
Doing sort of a renovation I'd call it in another wee cottage here on west coast. Have to rip up and redo all floors, concrete,insulation,screed. Whole new bathroom/wet room, rearrange kitchen, bit of plastering, pull chimney etc... And repaint all inside out with flooring all floors in new timber floors.

Been told I can take away the cast iron bed, another metal bed, a mezzanine frame and a couch.

At first thought, bin them all then said fcuk it, will either give the bed frames to my father who's doing a cottage up. Was going to give him the couch and chairs but after looking online, they can sell for a nice wee profit if tidyed up. Going to spend a day or two tidying this up in winter bthen see how I get on trying to shift it online.

Worth an aul try and if not, sure my father will have a nice antique leather couch for his cottage. This couch was supposed to be in this cottage 40 years and was given to the owners back then going by what the neighbouring farmer says. It was well looked after going by him considering this is the west of Ireland where most back then where lucky to have a wooden stool.

But sceptical what this farmer says but sure, I'm sure I'll get something for it.
Any nice pressies of your clients
Any nice pressies of your clients
I'm on a job today the window fitter is taking out two doors, the plastic wooden ones and they are mint, I said I will have them they are mint I will sell them and see how we go, I would rather someone had them for a tenner rather than throw them and it reduces my carbon foot print ;)
your right that style furniture is coming back in fashion... dont tidy it up too much though

A bit of leather polish to shine and varnish the feet. Few hours work and job done. I see what your saying thou because I could end up taking the antique look from it if tidy it up to much. Will still want the grainy effect on the leather.
I'm on a job today the window fitter is taking out two doors, the plastic wooden ones and they are mint, I said I will have them they are mint I will sell them and see how we go, I would rather someone had them for a tenner rather than throw them and it reduces my carbon foot print ;)

I've a shed full of baths, sinks and shower trays and doors. No sorry, my da's shed does lol. He goes mad at me every time I bring something into it. Keep meaning to sell them but never get the chance because to busy
Two quality desks and two leather swivel chairs from one customer, few hundred quids worth, now in the kids bedrooms. Absolute belter.
You'll get good money for those chairs @hailhail. Just make sure you call them vintage. Put vintage in the the advert and make em pay through the nose!
I'm still struggling to find a good client,most of the time I have to take my own coffee and they all seem to want something off me never mind getting a pressie ! Lol
Any nice pressies of your clients
Customer keep giving me nice bottles of beer when I finish jobs, not sure why:D on my fireplace job I got a £60 tip and that will do me
I get given quite a lot of children's stuff and not long ago a lovely posh solid wardrobe. Also get fed a lot and quite and sometimes get tips. Think I need to charge more because I reckon people feel sorry for me lol
I got a few tips and what not but can't remember getting any pressies...

Maybe I was not good enough :-(

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I was once offerd a table. I told her I had enough rubbish at home. It didn't go down to well. I had to tell her I was joking even though I wasn't. We put the table in the van and f**k it out at the back of my mates house. We didnt tell him we put it there. He still doesn't know till this day it was me that put it there.
I was once offerd a table. I told her I had enough rubbish at home. It didn't go down to well. I had to tell her I was joking even though I wasn't. We put the table in the van and f**k it out at the back of my mates house. We didnt tell him we put it there. He still doesn't know till this day it was me that put it there.
Reminds me of a group of lads I know that enjoy the odd prank. One of them went on holiday, so they all went round his house and put every bit of furniture from all over his house in one bedroom for when he got back. Shame they couldn't have used a dashcam for his return.
A bloke I do a lot of work for is doing his whole cottage up and im doing all the plaster work. new everything is going in I've had alot of his not very old stuff, a big Laura Ashley chair, Samsung 32", Samsung 58" a dresser, 3 square Belfast flower pots, a full size mirror and frame and a few other bits it was brilliant as it was just as we moved into our house (from a small flat) so had loads of room to fill

I've had £100 given to me as a thanks, 3 tickets to Silverstone, beer (although I dont drink) and a few other bits, I wish I had my house a few years back, we done a barn conversion and the bloke had a opel manta gte that he was giving away along with a old tractor 4 poster ramps, a old landrover and some really interesting old furniture.
years ago we floated and set a 3 bed house, when it was complete we asked the woman of the house for our payment, she said that she was running short of money and her husband a ships captain would be a while before he returned with more money. we could either take a cheque or take a car that was under a tarp. she pulled the tarp. off there was a 3 wheel morgan, our partner laughed his head off, look it only has 3 wheels, we took the cheque!
Reminds me of a group of lads I know that enjoy the odd prank. One of them went on holiday, so they all went round his house and put every bit of furniture from all over his house in one bedroom for when he got back. Shame they couldn't have used a dashcam for his return.
My mate was pissed one night. So me and an other mate of mine phoned him a taxi. The taxi driver is a mate 2. We f**k*d him in to the mini bus. My mate the taxi driver said you 2 may come for the spin and carry him in to the house. So we get in to the taxi. My mate says come on lads we have to do something on him look at the state of him we can't let this go. The taxi driver says I've an idea. We are what is it. He says I'll show yous. He drives about 10 min out of the way. He drives down a lane. Then I say where the f**k are you taking us. He is in the drivers seat pissing himself laughing. We stop and he says get out and catch one. And put it in the back. Am like what the f**k is he talking about. I get out and walk down the lane a bit and there is f**k**g sheep. Well I f**k**g nearly collapsed with the laughter. I opened the gate and my mate dived on one. We got it in to the back of the bus after about 5 min of trying. We got back to my mates house. First we carried him in and put him on the couch. Striped him off. Then we got Barbara lol and in she went to lol. Then we went. The taxi driver said don't say anything about it to him. 2 weeks later we where in the pub the 4 of us that was there on the night and about 10 other people. Then I say to him f**k it am going on the Jd do you want one. He says f**k know the last time I drink that I woke up beside a f**k**g sheep. Well we started pissing ourselves laughing. Then he says am not f**k**g joking. Lol we waited till the end of the night to tell him it was us. I never seen a man so happy. He was convinced he f**k Barbara:LOL:
My mate was pissed one night. So me and an other mate of mine phoned him a taxi. The taxi driver is a mate 2. We f**k*d him in to the mini bus. My mate the taxi driver said you 2 may come for the spin and carry him in to the house. So we get in to the taxi. My mate says come on lads we have to do something on him look at the state of him we can't let this go. The taxi driver says I've an idea. We are what is it. He says I'll show yous. He drives about 10 min out of the way. He drives down a lane. Then I say where the f**k are you taking us. He is in the drivers seat pissing himself laughing. We stop and he says get out and catch one. And put it in the back. Am like what the f**k is he talking about. I get out and walk down the lane a bit and there is f**k**g sheep. Well I f**k**g nearly collapsed with the laughter. I opened the gate and my mate dived on one. We got it in to the back of the bus after about 5 min of trying. We got back to my mates house. First we carried him in and put him on the couch. Striped him off. Then we got Barbara lol and in she went to lol. Then we went. The taxi driver said don't say anything about it to him. 2 weeks later we where in the pub the 4 of us that was there on the night and about 10 other people. Then I say to him f**k it am going on the Jd do you want one. He says f**k know the last time I drink that I woke up beside a f**k**g sheep. Well we started pissing ourselves laughing. Then he says am not f**k**g joking. Lol we waited till the end of the night to tell him it was us. I never seen a man so happy. He was convinced he f**k Barbara:LOL:

I had "nothing" to do with this....
Have had £100 twice lots of £10-£20. Two brand new wood burners , taxidermy items. I've had four guns two different customers two from each. A bike and a kids Moter bike.
Had a birdhouse once. Got 40 quid tip the other day from a a woman I did a b and b for. She was famous as well, been on four in a bed. Big money in b and bs. She had nine rooms at 70 a night booked solid for months. Got offered use of a static caravan in south of France but never took it up. Fella was too creepy. Probably would have been streaming us on Internet.