Anyone use this PVA?


Well-Known Member
Anyone use this PVA?

35% off in Toolstation - £12.58
I've known my dad dilute 20:1 lol

As PVA is the same by any manufacturer ( ? ) , just different dilutions , £/ltd should be related to thickness so can you please weight an exact litre to determine cost related gloopyness

We'll omit regional variations of gravity on this occasion

TBF, a f**k**g boring post and generally buy whatevers to hand. Just seemed a reasonable price for a 'better' one.
TBF, a f**k**g boring post and generally buy whatevers to hand. Just seemed a reasonable price for a 'better' one.
That sounds like a feeble excuse for poor attitude to furthering TPF knowledge and it stinks , so repent and do the test and give us the £/lgloopynes value