Beads whith dashing


Well-Known Member
I've just started using plastic beads on chimneys whe dashing becouse it less hastle. Background white anyway. But myself I prefer to go over bead and get a nice feather edge corner looks much better than the bead showing more proffesional. Does anybody else do this or should I stik to my old way edge on cornner
Only ever used belcast on dashing unless they wanted plain faced reveals then I’d use angles on the reveals.
Understand but makes life easier on corners when I'm on my own. What I usually do is take scratch proud whith corners of beading and then dash over them so bead doesn't show. Do you think that a good not kean on beads showing through.
Understand but makes life easier on corners when I'm on my own. What I usually do is take scratch proud whith corners of beading and then dash over them so bead doesn't show. Do you think that a good not kean on beads showing through.
its your job Carys, you only have to please yourself and the customer sounds good to me though.
I always formed corners but when it got down to me and a lab I struggled to find a lab who could master holding and sliding off the stick so I started to use beads to make life easier and it was better when employing a dasher as most couldn’t form a corner.

Only had one customer who wanted formed corners, a retired joiner.
I always formed corners but when it got down to me and a lab I struggled to find a lab who could master holding and sliding off the stick so I started to use beads to make life easier and it was better when employing a dasher as most couldn’t form a corner.

Only had one customer who wanted formed corners, a retired joiner.
I only cover corners beads on chimney becouse I think it looks better. If doing completely new house I'd do it the old school way. For somereason I don't like beading showing on chimney
I always formed corners but when it got down to me and a lab I struggled to find a lab who could master holding and sliding off the stick so I started to use beads to make life easier and it was better when employing a dasher as most couldn’t form a corner.

Only had one customer who wanted formed corners, a retired joiner.
Do you think they be a problem covering bead on dash? . For some reason I don't like the bead showing on chimney
the only dashing we carry out now is thin coat systems, therefore plastic beads, often the same colour as the dashing mortar.
Sorry m8 miss judge the message system. Drugs yes magic mushrooms and two parecetomol. Take some your self grumpy git
We're rained off today, so I get my jollies ripping other people on here don't I.
So yes I'm rained off today, as it's been raining all day you see.
White beads on white dash looks ok but I used to let a build up of gobbo go over the bead and usually used a 3-8mm dash. Rarely saw the bead.
White beads on white dash looks ok but I used to let a build up of gobbo go over the bead and usually used a 3-8mm dash. Rarely saw the bead.
That what I've done black white chimney whith white cement. Il piss off owl again Im not keen on beads showing through on chimney for some reason
We mostly expose the bead unless the client doesn't want it..most like it in my experience. Easy enough to cover it up well if you know what you're doing. Forming them is easy enough but far more time consuming and it wouldn't get us anymore work or appreciation so it's a no from me. I wouldn't say it looks unprofessional either way - I've seen both looking dog s**t and both looking neat depending on whos work it is.

Beads whith dashing
Beads whith dashing
I always formed corners but when it got down to me and a lab I struggled to find a lab who could master holding and sliding off the stick so I started to use beads to make life easier and it was better when employing a dasher as most couldn’t form a corner.

Only had one customer who wanted formed corners, a retired joiner.

I always formed corners but when it got down to me and a lab I struggled to find a lab who could master holding and sliding off the stick so I started to use beads to make life easier and it was better when employing a dasher as most couldn’t form a corner.

Only had one customer who wanted formed corners, a retired joiner.
u were spot on with a bit of wood u made then corner perfect. trademen
You was good yourself but then you didn’t have much of a choice working for me.

I had eyes like a hawk for the slightest mistake. You was all good lads back in the 90’s on one got on my nerves the militant tit!