Biggest ceiling skimmed on your own no speedskim just trowel

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f**k it get pissed! ! Then everybody can all of a sudden do 200m2 before 10am piece of piss !!??
I am skimming right now...started drinking when I started work at 7
@ the plasterman .....I dont know why you tagged me now on level 4 on the witcher 3.
Ive only had it 3 weeks ....whos dumb now mate ??
sorry Albee,was scrolling I will change it for ya ..don't want u to be upset :lol:
U booked onto ur course? U allowed on big boy conversations anyway shouldn't you be on apprentice forum ;)
Kitchy mi dear watch, i'll be f**k**g awesome, awesome is all I know and I aint about to change that now....wont run before I can walk but awesome will come......if I plaster Iike I f**k ll be done in 5 minutes and av gone for a cry and a sleep by miday.
Final fantasy 14 for me at the moment, online game but something about the series I love.
2 dumb to play final fantasy series..isn't it magic n s**t
Ooooh yeah, but damn that magic s**t gets me mate f**k*d a bird he met on world of warcraft and she was really fit too and not any crazier than the average woman.
Full campaign mode aswell if I can get my boy off im having a hour in a bit.
Damn them kids being so inconvenient......mines got no qualms about keeping me from the real imprtant, beer and video games.
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