Boris out hmmm

This whole coronavirus thing has left me confused from the start. Just has to be more to it.

First 71 year old prince Charles apparently gets it, before we know it he’s made a full recovery.

Then Boris apparently gets it. Posts a series of videos not coughing once. Suddenly ends up in hospital but it was apparently only precautionary and on the advice of doctors as his temperature wasn’t dropping.

Then he’s in intensive care, again, all ok though in good spirits, breathing independently etc.

Then days later he’s out and telling us the NHS staff saved his life.

anyone else just thinking there’s some serious f**k**g bullshit going on?
On the third day he rose again!
I never noticed it just the same boring shite not left home for 3 week getting totally pissed off with it all/see the grandaughter on face time or something /cheers me up just wish I was back at work as normal /on the positive side gratetful to be alive

hold tight hobo
youl see her soon enough
bet shes dying to get out of the house same as too see her grandad xxxx
@lurpak what i did yesterday mate i went back in time to remember what i thought about this pandemic ,
go back to mid january in your life and look at the photos or what you was doing , we was all watching china thinking f**k me wtf then thinking well it might come here but doubt it will , but the the reality of it being here bites and its hard to make sense of it , some deny it i think because its easy too but most of us are all going bonkers
@lurpak what i did yesterday mate i went back in time to remember what i thought about this pandemic ,
go back to mid january in your life and look at the photos or what you was doing , we was all watching china thinking f**k me wtf than thinking well it might come here but doubt it will , but the the reality of it being here bites and its hard to make sense of it , some deny it i think because its easy too but most of us are all going bonkers
Get back in ye bunker
@lurpak what i did yesterday mate i went back in time to remember what i thought about this pandemic ,
go back to mid january in your life and look at the photos or what you was doing , we was all watching china thinking f**k me wtf then thinking well it might come here but doubt it will , but the the reality of it being here bites and its hard to make sense of it , some deny it i think because its easy too but most of us are all going bonkers

im still in two minds as I was then mate. It can only be as bad as the media make it out to be.

so many tricks with the numbers ie: dieng of covid and with covid are very different.

also 1500 peope die a day in England and Wales alone of just normal deaths. Old age. Heart attacks this taken into account with the covid death numbers?

not down playing it and even a single death is terrible but just feels like theres more to this
im still in two minds as I was then mate. It can only be as bad as the media make it out to be.

so many tricks with the numbers ie: dieng of covid and with covid are very different.

also 1500 peope die a day in England and Wales alone of just normal deaths. Old age. Heart attacks this taken into account with the covid death numbers?

not down playing it and even a single death is terrible but just feels like theres more to this
I agree with what ye saying . Jist doesnt add up