casper where is the report

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Think he's got other things on his mind at the moment Henry, like how quick he can run to the bog :RpS_laugh:
as the hillside strangler he's evading the F.B.I. interpol and the NYPD..........:RpS_thumbup:
The BG rep came round today and true to his word gave me 3 bags of the Uni finish. It's been packaged in multi bags as it's so new (its apparently not on sale anywhere until next month) So me, him and a plasterer from BG had a thoroigh discussion on what the magic dust was capable of. Over old tile adhesive? yes! Over artex? yes. Over silk emulsion? yes. Over old board? yes. Over anything? yes. Over henrys falsers? eh no!!! :RpS_drool:

So it really is that good! Well, i'm gonna do a ceiling tomorrow over scraped back artex. Moment of truth!
i win i said about 9 quid a bag did you tell him thats a dog shite price i can only see it catching on in the winter then phaseing out again in the summer, what about it needing a key on silk emulsion cos you wba that to give the multi a good key but if this stuff doesnt need any priming then theres not goin to be a key for it to grab on to
yeah multi will go straight over silk and the likes but that doesnt mean its got an adequate key
Cheers mate am looking for my spare sim I dont want him sending me pics of himself in MS womens underwear with a bollock hanging out of gusset.
That's what he said he hopes you send him :-0

He should be on soon to tell us about the uni finish he used today. :RpS_biggrin:
think he's been too busy recreating scene's from the deer hunter to be tittin round with plaster...................:RpS_unsure:

Got my 1st bag opened today and began skimming over raw artex. was just behaving like any finish would without PVA :rolleyes) lots of rice crispies...snap crackle ans pop as the suction took hold. Got my 2nd coat on over it and it started to behave and trowel up as normal although i really had to work at it as the uni finish is quite rubbery due to the polymers .
The powder is a bit lighter than multi and much smoother and creamier in use. I'd say it was more like board finish. I'm not all that impressed by it at all. Less so, UNTIL i hear that its stayed on the ceiling as the first coat was very dry and was easy to tear under trowelling. SO to summarise, if it works, adhesion wise, i'll be surprised. I certainly won't be rushing to buy it as it was a total anti-climax bag o shoite! :RpS_wink:
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Got my 1st bag opened today and began skimming over raw artex. was just behaving like any finish would without PVA :rolleyes) lots of rice crispies...snap crackle ans pop as the suction took hold. Got my 2nd coat on over it and it started to behave and trowel up as normal although i really had to work at it as the uni finish is quite rubbery due to the polymers .
The powder is a bit lighter than multi and much smoother and creamier in use. I'd say it was more like board finish. I'm not all that impressed by it at all. Less so, UNTIL i hear that its stayed on the ceiling as the first coat was very dry and was easy to tear under trowelling. SO to summarise, if it works, adhesion wise, i'll be surprised. I certainly won't be rushing to buy it as it was a total anti-climax bag o shoite! :RpS_wink:

Did the BG bod tell you they were guaranteeing it?

Got my 1st bag opened today and began skimming over raw artex. was just behaving like any finish would without PVA :rolleyes) lots of rice crispies...snap crackle ans pop as the suction took hold. Got my 2nd coat on over it and it started to behave and trowel up as normal although i really had to work at it as the uni finish is quite rubbery due to the polymers .
The powder is a bit lighter than multi and much smoother and creamier in use. I'd say it was more like board finish. I'm not all that impressed by it at all. Less so, UNTIL i hear that its stayed on the ceiling as the first coat was very dry and was easy to tear under trowelling. SO to summarise, if it works, adhesion wise, i'll be surprised. I certainly won't be rushing to buy it as it was a total anti-climax bag o shoite! :RpS_wink:
That's bad news, think its something you can learn to work with? How many metres did a bag cover?
Na bubbles. I've got 2 bags of the shite on a ceiling with no PVA so there will be fcukin hell to pay if it fails. I promise ya marra

Got my 1st bag opened today and began skimming over raw artex. was just behaving like any finish would without PVA :rolleyes) lots of rice crispies...snap crackle ans pop as the suction took hold. Got my 2nd coat on over it and it started to behave and trowel up as normal although i really had to work at it as the uni finish is quite rubbery due to the polymers .
The powder is a bit lighter than multi and much smoother and creamier in use. I'd say it was more like board finish. I'm not all that impressed by it at all. Less so, UNTIL i hear that its stayed on the ceiling as the first coat was very dry and was easy to tear under trowelling. SO to summarise, if it works, adhesion wise, i'll be surprised. I certainly won't be rushing to buy it as it was a total anti-climax bag o shoite! :RpS_wink:

I think you need a column in the daily need a name so that no one knew it was you scottish skimming strangler
SOoooo, they're experimenting (like the government do) in Scotland.............................on your tab :rolleyes)
It covers the same amount as any finish. I'm actually quite nervous aboot it sticking to the artex. Really, really can't see it taking off when it becomes available next month. I also filled in some light holes in old plaster with it. It seemed to be fine when trowelling. It's hard not to brush PVA into bare plaster after 20 odd years lol
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