Client being funny!!

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Why on earth would you do it all for free, jesus christ!!!!
Just put right what you ballsed up & thats it mate.
Sorry i dont know much about the legal issue here as ive never made a mistake in my 30 years :RpS_cool:

DYou know the saying about the man who never made a mistake?
Why on earth would you do it all for free, jesus christ!!!!
Just put right what you ballsed up & thats it mate.
Sorry i dont know much about the legal issue here as ive never made a mistake in my 30 years :RpS_cool:

yaaaaaaawwwwwnnnn c.o.c.k!:rolleyes)
So you guys dont think i would get taken to court if i refuse to do tyrolean. Is there anyone on here who deals with this sort stuff like consumer rights or anything.
If you've stripped off your dodgy work and left it ready for new stuff to go on then your fine unless you've been paid and your no wanting to give the cash back.
I think it's probably right to bite the bullet and re do the panel. As for her not liking pebble dash and wanting tyrolean at your expense she's extracting the urine! Before you started she should be 100 percent sure in what she wants, maybe a couple of sample panels of different dash or tyrolean and as for scaffolding unless it's your job. To your spec as in ( I usually get them to put it from fist to elbow away from the wall). I find more often than not builders scaffolding is too close, poles against the wall and then there's the stupid lift at the top where u have to get on your back to get under the soffit (nightmare). Re do. Your panel and if she wants more tell her to jog on!
I've had a funny client this week wanted 500 meters tacked dabbed n skimmed with Soundbloc / parge coat doing for 2200! Haha

It's really all the same just a different name
Maybe they would charge me for getting it redone

why not ? it is going to cost a lot more to do the work, as they have to remove the dash, form a new key and render then remove your waste material. extra cost for scaffolding .
Didnt you notice there could be a problem when you scratch coated ?? im afraid this is your problem , sorry but i feel that most spreads that know there onions would notice a bad scaffold without even getting up on it , i would put it right and take the hit , courts and stuff are going to cost a lot more .
If the quote has dashing on it then in court she'd get laughed at for trying to get a diff finish . If you've offered to put the work right this will also go on your favour as it shows you've tried to make good and communicated with the customer . You haven't ignored her or walked away although if you haven't been paid then best case might be to draw a line under it and move on ... she cant sue you for something she hasn't paid for ... if you redo out of your own pocket i'll bet when it comes to payment there will be another issue ... I wouldn't do this knowing your probably on a hiding to nothing with how they've been .....
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