That finish is ok in a old cottage but not in a modern house looks out of place
its a restaurant
A lot of jobs in the states have textured finished ceilings.Walls are finished smooth then ceilings are done,it's really just put on and a rub of the trowel flattish on it.A powder to slow it down is used to give time to get a good area done.Personally it looks s...e, but that's the way they do
Seen a few finishes like this in the states ?
I worked with a plasterer called John Mc Namara from Galway a few years ago in Boston.He was doing a textured finish in a disco bar,and before it went off he had what looked like a tiny tyrolean gun full of gold glitter which was flicked onto the wet plaster.I went back one night when the place was up and running and have to admit it looked cool with the lights on.I have done this type in a night club before ,,
I worked with a plasterer called John Mc Namara from Galway a few years ago in Boston.He was doing a textured finish in a disco bar,and before it went off he had what looked like a tiny tyrolean gun full of gold glitter which was flicked onto the wet plaster.I went back one night when the place was up and running and have to admit it looked cool with the lights on.
Seen a few finishes like this in the states ?
Hi John,Loren are you the guy does the youtube vids on here?
From Piedmont CA
Yeah , hes quite a character , i worked on a job with him. Apparently he posts on here.
I worked for another guy in the area , really interesting work , he taught me a lot and how to use a pool trowel
Very little work like it in the UK
Yeah , hes quite a character , i worked on a job with him. Apparently he posts on here.
I worked for another guy in the area , really interesting work , he taught me a lot and how to use a pool trowel
Very little work like it in the UK
Is that our kirk ??? LegendLoren are you the guy does the youtube vids on here?
From Piedmont CA