Must be skimming the whole of Fore street lolhavent seen it meself yet mate, over the last couple of months ive slowly been intergrated into a gang of spreads from hertford, doin more and more for them and he spoke to me the other day and said hes got a job with about 4 months skimming in fore street hertford and 8 houses in cheshunt
i was working for him just before christmas and since then hes asked me to work for him pretty much all the time, not too sure what to do though cos of my own work but the regular pay would be nice for a change
cscs cards are the best way the government keep an eye on you aswell ?
take a look at this .#Site checks to increase as CSCS launches card app | News | Construction News
there has been talk of micro chipping in the coming years ?
big brother is on its way ....
Ime not upset Flinny i just like stringing you along.If it upsets you me calling someone a thicko how the **** do you get on, on site? Its common sense lucious dont make out its an exam of knowledge its common sense. if your son never knew the answers then maybe he needs to read up but like you say "what has changed so much on site that they have to add more to the book"? Your lads not new onto site by the sounds of it, so failing the test coz they have added more questions shouldnt make any odds. Maybe the test has got harder ive not taken it for a while but from what i can gather from people who have took it you would have to be a thicko to fail it.
Have you subscribed to this mag? And what did it say?
sorry flynny the date its implemented is april 5th 2014 !!thats when the trial kicks off ,you will be getting a letter if you are cscs reg,d before the end of 2013 so it says and will have to register at your local tax office !!!but the scheme becomes compulsery before 2017 ...sorry keep forgeting you cant see the article !!!The article is from last july if its the microchips in the cards its old news, and wont change **** just harder to get away from. I was on a job nearly ten years ago that scanned your eyes and that was a load of bollox coz it got rid of the guy on the desk s you could walk in and out when you felt like it.
Didnt you get one of them badges when you subsribed to the mag at £150 a year ?also goes on to say if i remember right ,all those who sign upto the cscs scheme will have a badge with "i have signed up to chimp and pin" on it if i remember right :flapper::RpS_lol:
Yes seat belts are very similar to a piece of paper good pointI remember when seat belts came in in rear seats and people saying they were a waste of time![]()
Yes seat belts are very similar to a piece of paper good point
Some people will always be rough no matter what, we cant send everyone who is not qualified back to college to learn everything proper so they have to be assessed. Ive never said it will improve quality, ive always said there will be a more qualified workforce but in time and because of this card quality will improve, because more and more people coming into the game are gonna have to get qualified which means more people attending college and maybe standards and prices increasing. (wishful thinking).Why are we still seeing poor plastering flynny? You tell me how the cscs card has improved quality on site now were all qualified
then tell me what the point of it was
That's a very good point about people having to attend college I apologise for what I've said before and from know on shall we start afresh
cscs cards are the best way the government keep an eye on you aswell ?
take a look at this .#Site checks to increase as CSCS launches card app | News | Construction News
there has been talk of micro chipping in the coming years ?
big brother is on its way ....
5 pages on the cscs card.... :RpS_sleep:
Is it run by the government? im not sure[/QUOTE
flynny are you joking or what ???