cscs card

I got one when I first moved down to Devon just incase I had to do site work but never actually used it once! Don't even know we're it is probably expired lol.
There is a massive ‘where there is a blame there is a claim’ culture out there and the cscs is one way of reducing blame on the employer and reducing accidents. The excuse of ‘I didn’t know no one told me’ excuse is weakened in court.

When they reduced the legal aid to hardly any aid at all the government of the day did a trade off with the Law Society and introduced this blame culture as is well established in the USA. Without H&S management it would as things are now be very easy to sue your employer so its a trade off between the legal right side and the employer side.

I personally am for the cscs card but seeing as the government has brought it in they should pay for it.

A couple of questions for all? When you are hacking off old rendering, plaster or pulling down ceilings how many wear a mask? And if you employ even if cash or subby do you supply masks?
I allways wear a mask and only employ my 18 year old son , so yes , so does he .