Death by steaks

I steer clear of all Flexi trowels after having similar issues with plaziflex.. not worth the risk in my opinion, speedskim and Mt is all I use.

I know lots use Flexis with no problems though!
I steer clear of all Flexi trowels after having similar issues with plaziflex.. not worth the risk in my opinion, speedskim and Mt is all I use.

I know lots use Flexis with no problems though!
Snap few spreads I know use them and say the brilliant, its more my error using it to early and to much of open angle think is where im going wrong
Same gear on painted surface, possibly pva wet/tacky instead of dry can all make it worse for me.

Love to lay down with same gear but on some backgrounds it's just the wrong thing to do imo.
That's is a good point, did lay on with same gear and as said still probly swimming underneath it as second coat went on, add to that to eager beaver with plastic and flex has resulted in the f**k up! Also PVA was tacky not bone dry when originally layed on....

All in all a shameful display by me self, took on aboard all you advices hopefully won't be going down this road again!

Again much appreciate all your thoughts
That's is a good point, did lay on with same gear and as said still probly swimming underneath it as second coat went on, add to that to eager beaver with plastic and flex has resulted in the f**k up! Also PVA was tacky not bone dry when originally layed on....

All in all a shameful display by me self, took on aboard all you advices hopefully won't be going down this road again!

Again much appreciate all your thoughts

Nothing shameful whatsoever. Takes b*ll***s to post that.