Death by steaks

Same gear every time & pissin around with troweling as suction is all over place
Bg , or water are not to blame !
#I'm watching the ginger c**t get fatter week by week on his photos!
Death by steaks
I’ve only been plastering on and off for two years, never been to college and self taught. This was for my mom as she could not afford anyone to give her a bedroom a make over, it’s an old terrace house so you can probably imagine the state of the walls and ceiling beforehand, plenty of scrim bonding and 2 coats of PVA as the old browning sucks the life out of new plaster. I also painted it, because as much of a good job you do plastering people always seem to F%#k it up by not thinning the paint out. Keep going mate as my first attempts were horrendous lol.


  • Death by steaks
    210 KB · Views: 192
I’ve seen it done in front of my eyes when I’ve been out to visit complaints about the plaster. All you need to do is close the face of your trowel in a bit.
I have even used the plasterers trowel to prove a point that it’s not the material or the trowel. Sometimes it’s your technique that causes them, a lot of the time they can be caused by how you finish your stroke, this is usually on vertical though. I even had one lad who was getting them on his ceiling, he was doing them off the floor and stretching. The stripes were appearing behind his head as he was coming off the plaster.
Hope this helps and if you want to chat dm me your mobile and I will give you a call.
I’ve seen it done in front of my eyes when I’ve been out to visit complaints about the plaster. All you need to do is close the face of your trowel in a bit.
I have even used the plasterers trowel to prove a point that it’s not the material or the trowel. Sometimes it’s your technique that causes them, a lot of the time they can be caused by how you finish your stroke, this is usually on vertical though. I even had one lad who was getting them on his ceiling, he was doing them off the floor and stretching. The stripes were appearing behind his head as he was coming off the plaster.
Hope this helps and if you want to chat dm me your mobile and I will give you a call.
Flat trowel flat wall
Nothing shameful whatsoever. Takes b*ll***s to post that.

I’ve seen it done in front of my eyes when I’ve been out to visit clients about the erectile disfunction . All you need to do is close the face of your gimp in a bit.
I have even used there own s*x toys to prove a point that it’s not the material or the dildo!! Sometimes it’s your technique that causes them, a lot of the time they can be caused by how you finish your stroke, this is usually on vertical though. It's all about the stroke!! Nice and smooth ahhh!! Call me on 0800 800800
Very purvy looking post!!!!!
Hold me hands up and ready for a deserved ear bashing, have a had a mare with few walls recently been paint and the streak marks are atrocious to say the least! Only think can think of is have gone on wall to early and at to sharper angle with trowel? Tried little water, brushing trowel and no water to try an trowel them out (cross trowel up down etc) but to no avail, could slightly feel them once wall had tried and hoped in vain maybe paint cover but it's only highlighted it the problem! Also it seems they've swelled once Painted?!

Piss off with me self to say the very least!!

Any advice, constructive criticism, and tips to get over this in the future would be much appreciated!
Nothing to do with your trowel, I’ve just come on this forum to see if anyone is finding multi Finnish going off slower and not troweling up so good at the moment, I’ve trowel up wall’s lately and on the final dry trowel the walls are dead flat not many fat marks, the when it’s drying out the next day faint tiger strips and more fat marks, troweled final dry trowel with Nela flexi mashaltown steel, refina flexi all the same results , and the multi finnish is hanging greasy and 3 hour set !!
ermmm.. whats a 's flex'? ive always polished with the same trowel i laid on with. is this something i should invest in?