if youre dabbin it as well then 170 is too cheap mate..? youll be 60 - 80 quid materials...
2 days is ok though they wont be full days ay? worst bit with em is cutting the board for the pitch over the french doors innit.. then its whether or not theres enough clearance round the hinges... i usually use 9mm slivers tight up...
then theres the window board... if theyve left it tight on the overhang your gonna need 9mm board again and just paste the wall with dabbing.. wack em on real tight...
cut the lot ready...
knock up a good bag and a half / 2 bags dabbin...
wack the lot on..
throw a handful of cement in whats left of your dabbin...
use that to bead your doors up.. (little 2" reveals and the conny door reveal)
go have some lunch, good hour and a half...
knock up a good bag / bag and a half of multi...
have the lot.... with the french door and little dwarf walls youll catch it easy... knock up a little bit more to top off with and you wont have any problems....
you might sweat a bit in a conny in this weather though... ;D
have a good lump of steel wool handy so you can just clean up down the side of the door properly when its trowelled up.. and if you really wanna impress em... use a bit of jif neat on a rag and give the plastic a lick over...
if its timber doors mask em up first..
100 quid to skim it, 100 quid to dab it, 100 quid for bits...
only thing you gotta think as you quote these jobs is whats above the roof... i.e. if its on a house, not a bungalow then the french door house wall is still an outside wall and if theres no cavity trays installed along the roofline then theres a chance water will soak into the bricks above and make your internal wall damp below the roofline.... if theres weepers above the lintel over the french doors these will leak water directly into your conny...
technically the correct way is to install cavity trays above the roofline if its gonna be plastered internally..
a lot of people float and set these jobs in a day with hardwall...
same problems though..
fill the weepers with silicon and dab the house wall with duplex if you wanna make it last till youve got off the drive

( i didnt say that though) ;D