ever found anything

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i can pretty much trump most stories on what we found, we once found a live grenade

back in my plastering days we were pulling an old lath ceiling down in a cottage we were renovating, as as well as all the shite and dust , this stick thing fell down near one of us labourers, he goes whats that i goes i aint sure he picks it up [it was a german stick grenade, they dont look like a traditional grenade, a stick with a ball on the end.] we then noticed german markings on it any how puts it to one side and carried on. anyhow later in day an old boy on the job a sparky comes running into another room 'get the f**k out of here sharpish'in a mad panic, we though it was a gas leak or something, goes out side turns out hes a bit of a military buff and recognised it a as a german stick grenade that hadnt been used. long stary short we called in the bomb squad to deternate it.
so wed been working all day above a room with a live granade in, after a bit of reasearch turns out, the former fella that lived there had seen service in ww2 and must have picked it up in combat, the mad old bugger and stashed it under his floor so his missus or something didnt find it

now THATS the sort of s**t i was after
excellent story owls i believe you ,dont think anybody can top that did you get that 20.00 on england at 12/1 as i told you to do the other day,you will be kicking yourself when they win it, otherwise you will be drinking early in the day muttering at the bar i should have listened to hector, all the best.
my best find was an old bellamine wine bottle from about 1700 it had the badge of amsterdam on the front. i put it on ebay and it fetched £700
excellent story owls i believe you ,dont think anybody can top that did you get that 20.00 on england at 12/1 as i told you to do the other day,you will be kicking yourself when they win it, otherwise you will be drinking early in the day muttering at the bar i should have listened to hector, all the best.

no i didnt, i shall be kicking my self a week on sunday then when we turn germany over.
kind regards owls.
The best find i ever made was a finished wall that was as good as mine! Could have knocked me down with a feather!!!
A mate of mine was working on an old house and found a metal biscuit tin he thought he`d hit the jackpot when he opened it it was full of mouldy biscuits
a dead bird fell in my labourers hood but i diddnt tell him.....i got an angry txt later that night "i knew nothing about it mate haha"
i found a good few pair of sexy knickers (i dont think they were lost though:RpS_wink:)
can i have them back you wassnt ment to tell everyone of the gifts ive been sending you:RpS_blushing:
I didn't find it but tomorrow's customer did.
i do quite a bit of work for a nationwide attic insulation co. (nisus started working for ' em too ) who's fitters regularly put 'foot thru ceiling' . Anyways contracts manager phones me up and says "got a job for you in Dartford, fitter put foot thru ceiling and the p/board fell into baby's pram, mother had just taken baby out :RpS_scared:

The depot not happy when he rings up to inform them but tell him to get bungalow attic finished. 10 mins later lady hears loud crash in bathroom, runs in looks up and sees large hole in ceiling. She then looks down and sees said fitter, sitting bolt upright, unconscious in her bath :RpS_laugh:

So I suppose my answer would be, an attic insulation fitter :RpS_thumbsup:
I stripped a lathe and plaster ceiling in a vicky house and found the skeleton of the 1888 world hide and seek champion.

I,ll get my coat.

Not a ceiling but when i was an apprentice we stripped back some L&P studwork and found a rolled up drawing of the view of the city from the room we working in nailed to one of the studs it was bout 100 years old also found the original architects plans in the loft of a vicy rectory we working on once but the best thing i have found is lead pipe i fooking love finding it.
The depot not happy when he rings up to inform them but tell him to get bungalow attic finished. 10 mins later lady hears loud crash in bathroom, runs in looks up and sees large hole in ceiling. She then looks down and sees said fitter, sitting bolt upright, wanking in her bath :RpS_laugh:

My dad worked @ a hotel with acres of grounds and a few cottages . In one of them he found a bit of wood nailed to the rafters in the roof . Some guys had done repairs to the place in 1933 and left their names written . One of them was his grandfather`s brother in law ! He also found £250 in old £20`s under a bath once
today i pulled down a ceilin and i found..................some itchy insulation and some cables:glare: still waiting for that hidden lottery jackpot to fall out of the ceilin
Found a dead rat in an old lath and plaster stud wall once. It was mummified and looked like a rat shaped piece of leather. We put it in our apprentice's lunch box.
Should have seen his face!
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