S a plastering
Private Member
What's the minimum temp for dropping in a concrete footing got 21 meters to do thanks
Cheers mate going to leave it now till warms up a little fcukin frostSpec is probably as been said but ive done loads at lower temps if its ready mix ask for a slightly stronger mix and maybe an air entrainer added, if its a footing the bulk of the concrete will be below the frost line just make sure you cover the top up well and give it plenty of time before you build on it as it will take longer to go of in low temps, if you are mixing by hand same really you can use some hot water but not over 60 degrees Farenheight as this will damage the cement if the ballast has not been covered and is frozen forget it.
Cheers mate going to leave it now till warms up a little fcukin frost
no mate there coverd up and shutterd for nowyou are not going to leave trenches open are you ?
no mate there coverd up and shutterd for now