
Would I want to save a few hundred quid on a copy ? No thanks , with respect to you mate

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With respect, I probably wouldn't sell you one.

Yes it's a copy, no denying it. But it is a bloody good bit of kit and will do the exact same.

The main parts come from the same place. We offer the same warranty. And in my opinion offer a better nationwide service than anyone else. We have machines in stock, if a customers goes down its fixed there and then, if we can't, borrow ours until we do.
With this all said....

Why is it, every time something comes up I have to answer to the same people?

You don't want to be a customer of mine, honestly, I don't want you to be either.

If anyone needs advice on machines or anymore information, im happy to help.
Chill out Ryan
You own the most expensive winkle picker's in Cheltenham mate
Life does'nt get any better
With respect, I probably wouldn't sell you one.

Yes it's a copy, no denying it. But it is a bloody good bit of kit and will do the exact same.

The main parts come from the same place. We offer the same warranty. And in my opinion offer a better nationwide service than anyone else. We have machines in stock, if a customers goes down its fixed there and then, if we can't, borrow ours until we do.
Nice to know we are on the same page ,
With this all said....

Why is it, every time something comes up I have to answer to the same people?

You don't want to be a customer of mine, honestly, I don't want you to be either.

If anyone needs advice on machines or anymore information, im happy to help.
Only said i would rather have a true Pft G4 ,sorry ,i have a choice ,when with the vat its nearly 10k !!, its not a trowel !ffs
Chill out Ryan
You own the most expensive winkle picker's in Cheltenham mate
Life does'nt get any better

You love the winkle pickers, currently wearing a nice pair now.

Agree on calming down lol. You have to admit though Bobby, the same old stuff does get boring..
Nice to know we are on the same page ,

Only said i would rather have a true Pft G4 ,sorry ,i have a choice ,when with the vat its nearly 10k !!, its not a trowel !ffs

The EZE K4 with a 20 KvA gene, 20m of pipe and everything else you need is £8400.00 including VAT

The G4 has changed so many times over the years I have lost count.
Want does matter is the machines performance being perfect, the service you get needs to be of the highest - we can tick those boxes
The EZE K4 with a 20 KvA gene, 20m of pipe and everything else you need is £8400.00 including VAT

The G4 has changed so many times over the years I have lost count.
Want does matter is the machines performance being perfect, the service you get needs to be of the highest - we can tick those boxes
thought we were talking about Gennys ?? that a new one !lol
The EZE K4 with a 20 KvA gene, 20m of pipe and everything else you need is £8400.00 including VAT

The G4 has changed so many times over the years I have lost count.
Want does matter is the machines performance being perfect, the service you get needs to be of the highest - we can tick those boxes
Another £600 for the real thing ,few quid was wrong sorry
You would say that though really...

We have access and had access to a huge range of R/S - just because it has a PFT Logo on it certainly doesn't mean it's better, I'm afraid that's a fact and not a sales pitch.

You are restricted to what PFT allow you to sell so you have to stick with what you have and support that - fair enough.

With regards to the monojet pumping that distance, it's certainly possible. But the monojet only has one motor. Therefore requires less power. I think if your honest, it would be a struggle to do this with a G4, K4 or G5 with the correct material consistency.

15KvA generator from us costs: £2600.00 + VAT

20KvA generator from us costs: £2900.00 + VAT

For £300-£500 extra and being able to use your machine to its optimum is well worth the investment

PFT did carry out a huge test on all rotors and stators and theirs outperformed the nearest rivals by 30%. The official dealers were shown the results as a selling point to tell customers that PFT is always better quality. You can always call them yourselves to verify if its true or not.
PFT did carry out a huge test on all rotors and stators and theirs outperformed the nearest rivals by 30%. The official dealers were shown the results as a selling point to tell customers that PFT is always better quality. You can always call them yourselves to verify if its true or not.

The company I'm currently sat with have very different data and I have seen the results. Theirs out perform PFT by a long way

We also sold PFT for a long time so know the machines and parts

But, we take it with a pinch of salt, as should you. We have seen the same from other manufacturers stating different - I'm sure they could write a few things down to impress you...
PFT did carry out a huge test on all rotors and stators and theirs outperformed the nearest rivals by 30%. The official dealers were shown the results as a selling point to tell customers that PFT is always better quality. You can always call them yourselves to verify if its true or not.

The company I'm currently sat with have very different data and I have seen the results. Theirs out perform PFT by a long way

We also sold PFT for a long time so know the machines and parts

But, we take it with a pinch of salt, as should you. We have seen the same from other manufacturers stating different - I'm sure they could write a few things down to impress you...
Yes PFT have just released the ZP3 M

Thats a single phase machine although i wouldn't run it from mains power, its a bit to big a motor. You could probably run that of a 10 kva generator.

We do have a nice size 10 kva single phase generator which is not as big as the 3 phase that would be ideal to run this new machine and only costs about a grand

12.5 kva is the most popular size of 3 phase generator that we would sell and have never heard of problems with it being under powered. i know of people who have pumped 50 mts with a monojet and 12.5 kva. The main thing is its portable generator that can be handled easy and taken in and out of a van no problem.

The cost of a 12.5 kva is also cheaper

I have seen some of our generators and machines struggle when using cheaper after market rotors and stators. These cheaper rotors and stators work fine in Germany etc because they have mains 3 phase power. I would just stick with PFT original rotors and stators, they last much longer than any others on the market so it makes more sense.

Cheaper generator + better quality rotors and stators = more money in your pocket
back to the op would the zp3 m pump flow screed as well? I know it's not the ideal machine but most of the floors would be between 180 and 400 meters and would not be used all the time so thought it might be handy for rendering and stuff as well
You love the winkle pickers, currently wearing a nice pair now.

Agree on calming down lol. You have to admit though Bobby, the same old stuff does get boring..
no way are you getting your big rhino toes you stubbed last year playing rugby into winkel pickers...........................................:popcorn:

Quick question as I saw you post on FB that you think what I'm saying is a sales pitch.... And obviously a competitor says I'm lying.

1. If the Harrington was so good, which they previously promoted, why is there a new one?

2. If 12.5KvA is all that's required, why have they brought out a 15KvA?

This isn't a dig, so I don't need to calm down etc. Just raising a valid point as you clearly don't believe what I say.

To add to this;

@UKPlasteringmachines - you mention a larger gene is overkill. This will potentially lower the lifespan of your machine.....

You can have a 500 or a 5000KvA generator, you can plug your machine into a 63Amp socket - the machine will only draw what it needs.

If your knowledge was as good as you state, then you will know that it's all down to the Hz. Too many and it can burn out your motor, too little will burn out your motor.

Therefore what actually causes damage to a machine is an under powered generator - that is a fact!
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All I stated was it was overkill I never said unnecessary, my point being it encourages people to push machines to there limits when not really needed

I have been using machines on site for 15 years doing commercial properties as well as housing I've done the largest to the smallest and in 15 years I have only ever put more then 25m of hose on 3-4 times and only ever used a 12kva Genny which has been more then enough, I actually agree 15kva is a good sized generator, 20kva in my opinion is not really needed .... I'm not saying your wrong for selling it, we have a great range of rotors and stators with softer compound rubbers that make life a lot easier when pumping distance and aggressive materials.

Our gennys are more then adequate to pump the distances required, why look at other manufacturers .... Because we can ..... And the look sexy as fook

I've always found it easier to move the machine closer rather then put 40m of hose on

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Everyone is entitled to an opinion. But when my competitors say what I'm saying is incorrect (not you) it's actually very misleading to the general public.

We also have a huge range of rotors and Stators, from the biggest manufactures in Germany. We had a very interesting meeting with two R/S manufacturers in Germany and have some interesting ones coming soon.
Also, as you know the boss man at our company (Dad) has been selling machines for nearly 20 years now, having his first machine which he used on site over 25 years ago.

I personally have also been on them since childhood, the other members of our team come from solid backgrounds on machines (working for PFT and M-tec). We are also entitied to an opinion and have a vast array of experience to justify our points and 'sales pitches'
I'm not disputing your knowledge or your dads knowledge it makes no odds to me what generator you sell. So long as the end user gets what he pays for then it doesn't matter.

If we have a customer who would rather a bigger generator then we are happy to provide them with one,

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Would it not make more sense Ryan and pft to agree too disagree and rather be moany twaty boring c**ts day in day out accept that my mate Ryan sells what he sells and pft sell what they do and rather than say my cock is bigger than yours actually recommend each other based on location rather than greed and just live normal happy modest lives rather than scrapping for every bit of advantage you can? End result is currently most people will go with pft as it is the more reputable brand. Ryan if you recommended pft when suitable I'm sure it would be reciprocated. If you slate them and vice versa it just creates 2 bands of people saying Ryan is a c**t or pft is s**t. Surely you can both just live without desperately trying to scrape every penny possible. People can make there own minds up based on facts not sales pitches
Why PFT central is called central and why Pft has Wales , Northern and Essex ? Does this makes it PFT countryside and PFT central?
@nickelarse I can agree with what you say to a certain extent. But business is business and passing business over to a competitor isn't really a good thing.

To be honest, our machine sales the last two years have been amazing, with this year already being a record year. I think the days of people looking at the best known brand are gone.
M-tec has always been a huge brand, EZE is growing rapidly. The customer will look at who can meet their requirements the most.

Area for us isn't an issue, we have another depot opening up north, but have our southern guy and northern guy travelling around all the time

I would never slate the competitors, or the machines. Although, I still stand by what I have always said and dont think the 240v machines are all they are cracked up to be.
The G4 I have always said is a great machine. If I didn't, we wouldn't have brought out the K4.

I wish we could all just get on, it is quite sad when you constantly read misleading things about 'non PFT' parts etc. We have had many people come in with dodgy wiring from other competitors, but, we do not know the full story- we won't air that to the public.

Your doing something right if you competitors are always talking about you.... It seems to be everyday
Why PFT central is called central and why Pft has Wales , Northern and Essex ? Does this makes it PFT countryside and PFT central?

It's our company name mate. Had it for years. Doesn't mean the same as PFT and we don't sell any PFT. We used to years ago but left for many reasons, reasons similar to these childish posts that we see on a daily basis from them!