Gloss paint wall/crazy paving

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New Member
This is in the hallway, it feels almost solid and is littered with cracks.

Any suggestions on how to attack it? I take it screeding the whole wall is not an option

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i would pva it and then put on one coat of skim, roll on the plastic mesh , one metre wide rolls, cover the whole wall and then add a second coat....
This is in the hallway, it feels almost solid and is littered with cracks.

Any suggestions on how to attack it? I take it screeding the whole wall is not an option

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When you say almost solid what do you mean ? if the plaster on the wall is sound ie dose not look or feel like it may drop off do exactly as John suggests.
i would pva it and then put on one coat of skim, roll on the plastic mesh , one metre wide rolls, cover the whole wall and then add a second coat....

I've been looking on screwfix and toolstation as well as googling about... can't find this plastic mesh. Any ideas?
i would dot and dab that wall. making sure that the board spans that straight crack. then skim.
As above bonding agent first then just throw some fibres in your first coat of skim, only a few quid.
Or give a tight coat of bonding first.
i would pva it and then put on one coat of skim, roll on the plastic mesh , one metre wide rolls, cover the whole wall and then add a second coat....

Only normally use fibres but have had cracks come back through them. How affective is the mesh?
WBA then skim, I've never had any problems on walls like this using this method.

How do you stop the cracks comin back through:RpS_unsure:

With scrim tape you cock
you never mentioned scrim ??? feck. scrimmin that load of cracks lol

Oh ****! Didn't realise how many cracks there was until I zoomed in!
lol bet you feel a right arsehole now eh! Or you a cock. like me?.....
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you never mentioned scrim ??? feck. scrimmin that load of cracks lol

lol bet you feel a right arsehole now eh! Or you a cock. like me?.....

Id rather be a cock too mate, if I was an arsehole I wouldn't be associating with you lol
No worries,apology accepted.:rolleyes)
but your still due your award,,,, by unanimous decision ...........
Gloss paint wall/crazy paving

Congratulations marra :RpS_biggrin:
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