Thing is.... I'm not disputing the wisdom of taking the time to mix the aggregate before application, but it does beg the obvious question:
PVA doesn't have grit in it, yet in a large number of cases, multi sticks to it well.
Are you suggesting that if blue grit didn't have any aggregate in it, it would be next to useless?
I'm not trying to catch you out - I feel it's a valid question. Is blue grit 99% only about mechanical key, and far worse performing than PVA in areas with scant aggregate?
In fairness, I'm not generally pointing fingers at blue grit with artex ceiling fails, as I am in the camp that feels there are several factors at play that it would be unfair to always blame on grit failure (thickness of skim + flexing joists, poor artex integrity, vinyl silk having been historically applied to the artex, etc. etc.)