had the jab

I’m still not sure if this all about global warming to slow the world down to save us all from the end of the world
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Yep, by august. Care workers becoming compulsory. While there’s a shortage of care workers, working for minimum wage they’re now forced to jab. That’ll wreck the care sector.
And anybody who is genuinely exempt will lose their jobs, as there will be no other Reasonable Adjustment, unless law and employers are permitted to test them everyday.
I don't like the way this is going at all, ID cards now it's compulsory medical treatments because somebody else thinks it is in the best interests of other people.
What's next, un-circumcised only? USA used to force sterilisation on those judged handicapped/ impaired or black, and circumcise everybody on "health" grounds, Nazi's tattoed Jews, no end to the stupidity.
Bet Boris doen't want to be sterlised, have his foreskin ripped off, or fined/jailed for losing his "I Been Jabbed" card !
And anybody who is genuinely exempt will lose their jobs, as there will be no other Reasonable Adjustment, unless law and employers are permitted to test them everyday.
I don't like the way this is going at all, ID cards now it's compulsory medical treatments because somebody else thinks it is in the best interests of other people.
What's next, un-circumcised only? USA used to force sterilisation on those judged handicapped/ impaired or black, and circumcise everybody on "health" grounds, Nazi's tattoed Jews, no end to the stupidity.
Bet Boris doen't want to be sterlised, have his foreskin ripped off, or fined/jailed for losing his "I Been Jabbed" card !
You need to organise a plasterers forum trip to Bristol to sit in the road with a placard. Unfortunately I doubt many would go unless it was £250 a day.
It amazes me that around one in five 16 to 24 yr olds and one in eleven 16 to 59 yr olds will buy and use drugs that contain who knows what from an unknown on a street corner but many wont take a vaccine because it hasnt been tested for long enough!!
Freedom of choice I think is the issue.
Yep, by august. Care workers becoming compulsory. While there’s a shortage of care workers, working for minimum wage they’re now forced to jab. That’ll wreck the care sector.
I wasn't going to have kids but now care systems f**k*d might have to have a couple to look after me when I'm older.
I wasn't going to have kids but now care systems f**k*d might have to have a couple to look after me when I'm older.
:LOL: You should be so lucky, they'll drain your pockets and not want to know you unless there's a decent inhertitance in the offing.
I wasn't going to have kids but now care systems f**k*d might have to have a couple to look after me when I'm older.
Not sure whether that comment is with me or against me. Anyway, This will
Finish off a few more coffin dodgers with lack of help in their care homes.
Not sure whether that comment is with me or against me. Anyway, This will
Finish off a few more coffin dodgers with lack of help in their care homes.
My fathers generation would look after there own and outsourced care would be a last resort. He's 86 with cancer and says if care staff dont have the jab they obviously dont care about others so shouldn't be in the job.
My fathers generation would look after there own and outsourced care would be a last resort. He's 86 with cancer and says if care staff dont have the jab they obviously dont care about others so shouldn't be in the job.
Well that reinforces what I said. People shouldn’t be forced based on someone else’s opinion so those that choose not to have the jab will walk.
Anyway. If the oldies have had their jab what difference does it make if the care staff don’t want it? How can an unvaccinated person be a danger to a vaccinated person? If this was so bad then why has the flu jab never been forced when 10’s of thousands a year die as a result of the the flu.
Anyway. If the oldies have had their jab what difference does it make if the care staff don’t want it? How can an unvaccinated person be a danger to a vaccinated person? If this was so bad then why has the flu jab never been forced when 10’s of thousands a year die as a result of the the flu.
Unfortunately not everyone can have it so some are still in danger.
Well that reinforces what I said. People shouldn’t be forced based on someone else’s opinion so those that choose not to have the jab will walk.
I agree that its wrong to force the vaccine but do believe people in health jobs,
Doctors, nurses, dentists care home staff etc should have it and if they refuse perhaps there in the wrong job.
Anyway. If the oldies have had their jab what difference does it make if the care staff don’t want it? How can an unvaccinated person be a danger to a vaccinated person? If this was so bad then why has the flu jab never been forced when 10’s of thousands a year die as a result of the the flu.
Maybe the Covid jab IS the flu jab. It was suspiciously rolled out very quickly. I don’t believe a f**k**g word of all this horseshit
I agree that its wrong to force the vaccine but do believe people in health jobs,
Doctors, nurses, dentists care home staff etc should have it and if they refuse perhaps there in the wrong job.
Maybe if you’re entering that profession and you’re made aware that you have to have it. But to force an experimental jab to protect against a virus that kills such a small percentage.
The number of deaths have been exaggerated all the way through this and now the jab is being forced and coerced linked to a digital ID. Just doesn’t add up. The motives are more aligned to the digital ID than to save us all from a virus that 99% recover from.
I’ve absolutely no doubt that big Pharma sit at the meetings in Davos. Implementing their massive money making plans whilst also helping the techies tie up the digital ID for Klaus and his cronies to keep us under control.
Maybe if you’re entering that profession and you’re made aware that you have to have it. But to force an experimental jab to protect against a virus that kills such a small percentage.
The number of deaths have been exaggerated all the way through this and now the jab is being forced and coerced linked to a digital ID. Just doesn’t add up. The motives are more aligned to the digital ID than to save us all from a virus that 99% recover from.
I’ve absolutely no doubt that big Pharma sit at the meetings in Davos. Implementing their massive money making plans whilst also helping the techies tie up the digital ID for Klaus and his cronies to keep us under control.
Boris was saying possibly require a vaccine passport for the pub at his enquiry today.
Its gone from no enforced vaccines to talk of enforced vaccines in a matter of weeks....
Its going down a very dark path and most are happy to go along with it.
Boris was saying possibly require a vaccine passport for the pub at his enquiry today.
Its gone from no enforced vaccines to talk of enforced vaccines in a matter of weeks....
Its going down a very dark path and most are happy to go along with it.
Perhaps it could be like smoking, vaxxers inside non vaxxers outside
Perhaps it could be like smoking, vaxxers inside non vaxxers outside

Oh, don't!!

Give it a month or two and there'll be shops springing up all over the UK, with Dellboys trying to sell the public vaccine-vapes!

"Don't want to smoke? Vape your nicotine!"

"Don't want the jab? Vape your vax!"
Maybe if you’re entering that profession and you’re made aware that you have to have it. But to force an experimental jab to protect against a virus that kills such a small percentage.
The number of deaths have been exaggerated all the way through this and now the jab is being forced and coerced linked to a digital ID. Just doesn’t add up. The motives are more aligned to the digital ID than to save us all from a virus that 99% recover from.
I’ve absolutely no doubt that big Pharma sit at the meetings in Davos. Implementing their massive money making plans whilst also helping the techies tie up the digital ID for Klaus and his cronies to keep us under control.
Wouldn't it have been cheaper to just bring in a compulsory id card save paying everyone a load of money for nothing.
Wouldn't it have been cheaper to just bring in a compulsory id card save paying everyone a load of money for nothing.
No, you pay them for it, £80 for a citizens card, proba ly about the same amount. Would help with Ricki's debt mountain, plus fines for loss/not carrying/swapping it with your black mate for a night out/laugh.

I actually think its hugo whos behind all this in a plot to weaken world government by making them spend all their money then brainwash all the oldies with a vaccine into leaving their money to him then die. leaving a few super intelligent beings that didnt have the vaccine to run the world id free.
I actually think its hugo whos behind all this in a plot to weaken world government by making them spend all their money then brainwash all the oldies with a vaccine into leaving their money to him then die. leaving a few super intelligent beings that didnt have the vaccine to run the world id free.

do you. you should have a listen to this one aswell, about ethylene oxide being used in the production of nasal swabs for tests and in facemasks. ethylene oxide is an ingredient of anti freeze among other things.

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Wouldn't it have been cheaper to just bring in a compulsory id card save paying everyone a load of money for nothing.
Yeah cause that would be accepted with open arms wouldn't it. This is the only way they can get a good proportion to accept it. Fear Fear Fear, and massive restrictions on all the fun things in life and then offer those things back under an ever increasing list of conditions.
Yeah cause that would be accepted with open arms wouldn't it. This is the only way they can get a good proportion to accept it. Fear Fear Fear, and massive restrictions on all the fun things in life and then offer those things back under an ever increasing list of conditions.


Create a scary problem.

Publicise it MASSIVELY in the media, to absolutely saturate the minds of the public with it, so they lose the ability to even question if the scary thing, and the scary things being said about the scary thing, is/are even real/true.

Make the public believe that the situation is so bleak they'll be desperate to accept a solution

...and then.... "lo and behold!" look what we managed to arrange - a magical solution to all your fears, but in order to have it, you'll have to waive many of your existing rights and you'll have to accept changes to public policy and your lifestyle, for the rest of your life from now on.

It's a trick that's been used SO many fkin times, yet the public seems to be too fkin brainwashed and hypnotised to see it playing-out right under their noses.
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