had the jab

Maybe the Covid jab IS the flu jab. It was suspiciously rolled out very quickly. I don’t believe a f**k**g word of all this horseshit

flu is known as cover 2 a similar make up to covid19. thats how the vaccine was made up so quickly.
they are now working on getting the vaccine made up in tablet form to rid us all from this sickness.
Yeah cause that would be accepted with open arms wouldn't it. This is the only way they can get a good proportion to accept it. Fear Fear Fear, and massive restrictions on all the fun things in life and then offer those things back under an ever increasing list of conditions.
I think an id card would be accepted by most people.
I have nothing to hide .
I carry a credit card with me all the time with my name on
They can find out everything about me with that

Create a scary problem.

Publicise it MASSIVELY in the media, to absolutely saturate the minds of the public with it, so they lose the ability to even question if the scary thing, and the scary things being said about the scary thing, is even real/true.

Make the public believe that the situation is so bleak, they'll be desperate to accept a solution

...and then.... "lo and behold!" look what we managed to arrange - a magical solution to all your fears, but in order to have it, you'll have to waive many of your existing rights and you'll have to accept changes to public policy and your lifestyle, ,for the rest of your life from now on.

It's a trick that's been used SO many fkin times, yet the public seems to be too fkin brainwashed and hypnotised to see it playing-out right under their noses.
had the jab

Create a scary problem.

Publicise it MASSIVELY in the media, to absolutely saturate the minds of the public with it, so they lose the ability to even question if the scary thing, and the scary things being said about the scary thing, is/are even real/true.

Make the public believe that the situation is so bleak they'll be desperate to accept a solution

...and then.... "lo and behold!" look what we managed to arrange - a magical solution to all your fears, but in order to have it, you'll have to waive many of your existing rights and you'll have to accept changes to public policy and your lifestyle, for the rest of your life from now on.

It's a trick that's been used SO many fkin times, yet the public seems to be too fkin brainwashed and hypnotised to see it playing-out right under their noses.
What rights am I waiving.
What public policy change is going to affect me
How is my lifestyle going to change?
There is no such thing as privacy now the internet changed that.
What rights am I waiving.
What public policy change is going to affect me
How is my lifestyle going to change?

There is no such thing as privacy now the internet changed that.
Tattoo everyone , no hiding for the scum of society
If you do not get booked in by Monday you will not be getting booked in before May due to a shortage for April. Get in quick if you want the jab.
What rights am I waiving.
What public policy change is going to affect me
How is my lifestyle going to change?

There is no such thing as privacy now the internet changed that.
We can't answer that just yet. The games are just beginning...

Create a scary problem.

Publicise it MASSIVELY in the media, to absolutely saturate the minds of the public with it, so they lose the ability to even question if the scary thing, and the scary things being said about the scary thing, is/are even real/true.

Make the public believe that the situation is so bleak they'll be desperate to accept a solution

...and then.... "lo and behold!" look what we managed to arrange - a magical solution to all your fears, but in order to have it, you'll have to waive many of your existing rights and you'll have to accept changes to public policy and your lifestyle, for the rest of your life from now on.

It's a trick that's been used SO many fkin times, yet the public seems to be too fkin brainwashed and hypnotised to see it playing-out right under their noses.
Spot on.
What's going to happen to the refuseniks, if things are as they say they are surely they're going to be sanctioned big time.
Yes they will.They will be treated as outcasts.If I’ve a 98% or 99% of getting over this then I’ll take my chances.Reminds me of that poem two roads diverged in a wood.
You've got the people doing their best to keep their families and the older generations at risk safe
And 3 groups of Antis
The I'm a bit concerned about the vaccine I'm unsure if its safe (ask your gp he'll answer all questions )
The I don't give a toss about anyone apart from myself because I'll be ok if I get it its like the flu.
The government just want to destroy us.

Choose your flock
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Just heard that bullshit myself! It ain’t gonna happen. More scaremongering to force you into having the jab geez!
A pub landlord will decide whats best for his business and if he sees a covid passport is the way forward and has government backing its up to him.
I'll be happy to drink in his pub and I wont be alone.
So at last years rate 126000 x 5 = 630000 deaths if the spread rate stayed the same. Then Would you have it in 5 yrs?
Did I say I was not taking it I'm just putting the fact on the table? We are all guinea pigs.. But if my anybody test comes back positive fuk I'm taking it!!
Did I say I was not taking it I'm just putting the fact on the table? We are all guinea pigs.. But if my anybody test comes back positive fuk I'm taking it!!
I also am trying to show there are 2 sides to every story I agree we are all guinea pigs but every cure for every disease, every operation ever performed has had to be tried in a real life situation with no 100% guarantee and more knowledge is gained every time
My example is if we did not vaccinate anyone for five yrs waiting for a perfect vaccine.
Exatly nobody knows if the two vaccine works and then the want booster November. Be walking scince labs lol
I also am trying to show there are 2 sides to every story I agree we are all guinea pigs but every cure for every disease, every operation ever performed has had to be tried in a real life situation with no 100% guarantee
Il be last in the cue. So if my test is postive and ther no more deaths by end of June. I'll save my self 3 vaccine of stuff in my body they have made up in 7 months!!
A pub landlord will decide whats best for his business and if he sees a covid passport is the way forward and has government backing its up to him.
I'll be happy to drink in his pub and I wont be alone.
That will also mean that the landlord and landlady and ALL their staff will have to have mandatory vaccines. How do you think that’ll go down for every pub in the country??
Also take into account most staff in pubs are in their 20’s.