I started reading this thread a few nights ago & got to about page 4 of the same few calling those working "pieces of shite" as well as the usual Tory bashing bollox. At this point I glazed over, and still haven't read the rest ... I will at some point.
What their bigotted minds can't grasp is we are all different;
We work differently.
We have different minds.
We have different home lives.
We live in different areas.
With the way British Gypsum have operated with supply in recent years I always keep plenty of gear in reserve.
When things started getting serious, I started ramping up stock a little at a time, food and beer included.
When Italy went into lockdown I had a load delivered at an empty property.
By that sunny weekend before lockdown (when everyone went on a weekend jolley) I was off grid, keeping out of the way of the great unwashed.
Sure enough, the very next day Boris put the UK in a state of lockdown, but excluded those that can't work from home.
Now, he could have included everyone except emergency staff, in which case I would have had a few grand tied up in gear with a shelf life & no idea if it will end up in landfill this time next year.
And wouldn't everyone think "what a prat" should that (still) be the case.
Just to clarify, I am one of those selfish pieces of shite .... but hear me out!
Week one I was rendering on my own the outside of a mansion set in 37 acres of parkland.
Week two I self isolated in an empty property and saw not a soul all week.
Week three I was working at home, doing my walk, and standing on my little square on the Sainsbury's car park, and came into contact with dozens of people.
Last week I was on a job with 2 lads on an isolated house re-build in a rural village.
Yesterday I worked and saw nobody. This morning I have walked the dog and come across man, many joggers, cyclists and walkers.
Next week I'm back with the same 2 lads and plan to see nobody else all week.
Customers are pushing hard to move the job on with kitchens, bathrooms etc still on track for the summer.
I think that a bit of foresight, planning and investment put me in a good place to see this crisis through in the safest way possible.
When the lockdown ends, I plan to slip away somewhere very remote for a few weeks to leave the rabble fighting over the crumbs that British Gypsum trickle out, should they decide to even go back then.
I predict 1 month of empty plaster sheds after lockdown ends?
So this is when the furlough payment will kick in for me.
So onto government payments - "Dunno really" not something I've thought about?
But I would imagine to be at the higher end of the furlough grant. So 80% taxed at 40% still won't be life changing, and if it pays a lump off my July tax bill .... so what?
I have worked in this trade for over 30 years and the money has only ever flowed one way - I have taken not one penny out.
Just the musings of someone trying his best to keep things ticking over, keep sane, and most of all safe.