how do i get out

It's a terrible world why people dodge there way through life I'd shoot the cnts
I won’t talk to the fuckwits, honestly it makes me sick, those on here that worry about not declaring a little bit of pie and mash from skimming a lid on a Saturday shouldn’t worry, you ain’t got a patch on what these cnuts are scamming
I won’t talk to the fuckwits, honestly it makes me sick, those on here that worry about not declaring a little bit of pie and mash from skimming a lid on a Saturday shouldn’t worry, you ain’t got a patch on what these cnuts are scamming
But anyone legit does anything wrong they jump all over you and punish you! This country long been a s**t show the rich get richer the scumbags get handouts and the middle man gets screwed!
It's a terrible world why people dodge there way through life I'd shoot the cnts
I .d ask em if they have been.looking for work. When they say yes but nothing going. I.d say I have found you a job it's 50 a week more then there benifits . Then send em.litter picking and cleaning toilets. They will soon find another job
I know how u feel mate, me and the Mrs both work minimum 40 hour weeks- that is bare minimum- I’m nearer 50 hours, we live in a small terraced house, we have a car that we work our arses off to pay for and any van I buy ends up like triggers broom. We never have extravagance but go down to my sons school and you got parents running unofficial advice groups on WhatsApp to “coach” other parents on how to claim every benefit under the sun! One parent has had an extension funded by the state to build her “a room for her to have some space”
She’s never worked a day in her life

rant over
You should join the group and stop yer f**k**g moaning
You should join the group and stop yer f**k**g moaning
And why would I do that? I don’t agree with what they do, I don’t believe that just because your children are disabled it gives you the right to scam the system. My children are my responsibility to provide for as others should for their own. When people who genuinely need things such as wheelchairs/computers to communicate or even respite care they are told they can’t as they don’t qualify as they work yet one person who sits on their arse watching reruns of Jeremy Kyle all day gets given everything. There is total imbalance
And why would I do that? I don’t agree with what they do, I don’t believe that just because your children are disabled it gives you the right to scam the system. My children are my responsibility to provide for as others should for their own. When people who genuinely need things such as wheelchairs/computers to communicate or even respite care they are told they can’t as they don’t qualify as they work yet one person who sits on their arse watching reruns of Jeremy Kyle all day gets given everything. There is total imbalance
This country is rich enough to support anyone who choses not to work. If you choose to work, as I do, don't bother making drama about what others do.
I know how u feel mate, me and the Mrs both work minimum 40 hour weeks- that is bare minimum- I’m nearer 50 hours, we live in a small terraced house, we have a car that we work our arses off to pay for and any van I buy ends up like triggers broom. We never have extravagance but go down to my sons school and you got parents running unofficial advice groups on WhatsApp to “coach” other parents on how to claim every benefit under the sun! One parent has had an extension funded by the state to build her “a room for her to have some space”
She’s never worked a day in her life

rant over
You must be raking it in working 50 hours a week? How is that possible I don't know any plasterer that's works 40!
Get a caravan @The Hobo snd tour the coast thst will stop you working mate I’ve done 51 days this year so far and loving it today mate
how do i get out
I’m still working too though but taking more time off each year now , hopefully 2 or 3 years more then I’m gonna be finished even looked at living the boat life that’s another option to look at mate
I’m still working too though but taking more time off each year now , hopefully 2 or 3 years more then I’m gonna be finished even looked at living the boat life that’s another option to look at mate
What on canal? I'd rather get a camper van and be living the coastal life on the road.