How many scrubs and how do you apply water

Nicky skim

Active Member
Do you spray water on to finish
brush water on flick water on with a brush or sponge float i seem to change every year or so I can usually get a wall looking ready to finish on 2 scrubs finish on 3rd then a quick pass over board I can sometimes finish a set in 2 hours with a refina s*p*r*lex it did take me way longer with a 14/5 mt which fooked my arm and back and body up over the years you wouldn't believe the callasis on my hands
Do you spray water on to finish
brush water on flick water on with a brush or sponge float i seem to change every year or so I can usually get a wall looking ready to finish on 2 scrubs finish on 3rd then a quick pass over board I can sometimes finish a set in 2 hours with a refina spr*lex it did take me way longer with a 14/5 mt which fooked my arm and back and body up over the years you wouldn't believe the callasis on my hands
I very rarely put water on now, just brush edges and wipe trowel over I find that’s ebough and it cuts down on the streak and tiger stripes
I forgot to say wet edges or wet trowel I no a couple people that do that I always like to glide with a bit I either spray or brush or flick now and then over the years I've been on the sponge float but hate it after a month or so on it me and every spread I no she to change tactics from time to time
How many times do you have to trowel and how long does it take you to do a average size double bedroom ceiling on plasterboard ?
Yes 2 coats same mix depending on background....

if walls are bad = mix of bonding and multi then either another 1 or 2 coats of multi

Wall good 2 coats same mix

Board = 1 or 2 coats depending how well boards are put up
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Yes 2 coats same mix depending on background....

if walls are bad = mix of bonding and multi then either another 1 or 2 coats of multi

Wall good 2 coats same mix

Board = 1 or 2 coats depending how we’ll boards are put up
I did about 5 ceilings in a flat once they all had bad cracks and the only one I did two coats out of same mix cracked all others fine in the past I've one coat 2 out same mix and 2 coats two difrent mix this I find is always best but I can do any way
I don't get it 1st coat on then 2nd coat fresh or posh 1 coat then get it all neat and ready for final trowling and bang lets sponge the b*****d. Its wankery no need.
I did about 5 ceilings in a flat once they all had bad cracks and the only one I did two coats out of same mix cracked all others fine in the past I've one coat 2 out same mix and 2 coats two difrent mix this I find is always best but I can do any way
There is only one best method ....when you try all the different methods the one that you look at and the customer looks at and says that’s a good job that’s the one
I don't get it 1st coat on then 2nd coat fresh or posh 1 coat then get it all neat and ready for final trowling and bang lets sponge the b*d. Its wankery no need.
I just do the method that suits long as the job turns out good and customer is happy and your paid ...that’s all the matters to me anyway
There is only one best method ....when you try all the different methods the one that you look at and the customer looks at and says that’s a good job that’s the one
The problem is most customers don't no what they are looking at and most people think the more shinny and smooth the better its silly I've had people say all sorts I want it so shiny i see my face in it etc feeling you're walls up what's this yea love its a water mark will it show when I paint
Do you spray water on to finish
brush water on flick water on with a brush or sponge float i seem to change every year or so I can usually get a wall looking ready to finish on 2 scrubs finish on 3rd then a quick pass over board I can sometimes finish a set in 2 hours with a refina spr*lex it did take me way longer with a 14/5 mt which fooked my arm and back and body up over the years you wouldn't believe the callasis on my hands

I don't know but that bench looks miles away .....

So does the front door...

Fuuck the's bigger than most showers.
Left it out of selfie lol.
Same as Stephen ,absolutely no water
No water ruff glide got to take it down a peg I think water helps take it flat take out marks or ripples but not mocking we all do it difrent and we should all no by now if its a method that don't work as we soon have no customers I garentee quality finish or I do it again I don't want do it twice so try my best first time but you no how it is domestic but never want a unhappy customer I also gairentee it stays on the wall or ceiling lol
Errrr excuse me, this is the rendering section. Can you find somewhere else to have this debate please. I was happily here minding my own render business and all you skimmers come along and spoil my peace.
Apologize its a combination of this cheap phone and vodka
Errrr excuse me, this is the rendering section. Can you find somewhere else to have this debate please. I was happily here minding my own render business and all you skimmers come along and spoil my peace.

Leave Nicky can't skim alone lol
We love a pop at you fancy pants renderers :birra:
No water ruff glide got to take it down a peg I think water helps take it flat take out marks or ripples but not mocking we all do it difrent and we should all no by now if its a method that don't work as we soon have no customers I garentee quality finish or I do it again I don't want do it twice so try my best first time but you no how it is domestic but never want a unhappy customer I also gairentee it stays on the wall or ceiling lol
Not worked with many spreads and they were shocked at my method but my lay on is like a bowling green , neater than their flattened second , don't matter how as long as your happy at the end , start to finish 18" as, can wack it on and speedskim or any way you want depends if its a home or a house on site really