I have missed the banter

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I have a couple lads out to help me tomorrow.
One loves the saying
Team work makes the dream work!!
Bloody true like
Sat in my van till 10 o’clock last Friday just couldn’t be arsed working on my Todd again :sleep:
I used to love working in a gang on my own most times but get together on lager scale jobs and boy the banter gets real dragging every other trade into it to. Gotta have a laugh.
We have a kid who we have some time and he,s funny as f**k.

Once on a job for single mam . Her n her mate just left house so he comes in all she fit , god I,d do this n that . So I,m like if I was single I,d do this n that like ye do . We’re at bottom of stairs and I just put me head in me hands. What’s up he asks . So I whispers to him ......sons up stairs .........his face still makes me smile to this day
Dont get me wrong I also enjoy working on my own.

Next week I am on my own in an empty property and that will be good as well :D As I will stick my ipod on and just get stuck in :D Tools left on the job and no panic about hoovering up at the end :D
Tools left on the job ye say where would that be now could do with some barely used new tools