Indyref 2

I'll be honest I don't know all the ins and outs of what would happen if we did go independent, it might be great for this country or it might ruin it. All I know is that if we are such a strain on the UK why would your Tory government be so determined for us to stay?

That's an annoying attitude on the other side of the coin. Scotland isn't a strain on the UK, it IS the UK.

There's an attitude problem on both sides that needs to be dropped. Both sides of the argument for/over Scotland talk about it as if it's a separate entity, and devolution doesn't help, it makes it worse. If everyone accepts that the UK is a single country and acts accordingly a lot of the issues go away.

Otherwise it's like living with a pissy teenager who wants to do everything their own way but can't afford to move out and doesn't want to make sacrifices so that they can, and the parents response is to impose their will on an adult just because they can.
It will never come to pass. I heard a snippet on the radio yesterday that said only 18% would support the idea. I think it's actually a lot higher than that. If you ran a poll on here I think it would be about fifty fifty. But people still support the celebrity feudalism that is rammed down their throat by the mainstream press and BBC. They bring in tourists. Harry was in the army. You've got to laugh. They're not even British. They're German.
I don't understand all this want to leave stuff , it's feels like the Scottish don't like English when we are all British, if anyone should leave, I'd get rid of the southerners, every time I been down there people don't even say hello when they walk by
I don't understand all this want to leave stuff , it's feels like the Scottish don't like English when we are all British, if anyone should leave, I'd get rid of the southerners, every time I been down there people don't even say hello when they walk by
Yeah the arrogant cooonts lol :cachetada::lol:
I don't understand all this want to leave stuff , it's feels like the Scottish don't like English when we are all British, if anyone should leave, I'd get rid of the southerners, every time I been down there people don't even say hello when they walk by

Too busy keeping the country afloat
I think the the word "independence" maybe slightly over exaggerated by the SNP. Unless I'm mistaken independence or an independent country means it doesn't need any other countries and can go it alone yet all the Scots will be doing is jumping straight into the shackles of the European Union.
It will never come to pass. I heard a snippet on the radio yesterday that said only 18% would support the idea. I think it's actually a lot higher than that. If you ran a poll on here I think it would be about fifty fifty. But people still support the celebrity feudalism that is rammed down their throat by the mainstream press and BBC. They bring in tourists. Harry was in the army. You've got to laugh. They're not even British. They're German.

It will happen one day, sadly not in our lifetimes. Remember the documentary on Harry in the army, shooting humans as he smiled.
I don't understand all this want to leave stuff , it's feels like the Scottish don't like English when we are all British, if anyone should leave, I'd get rid of the southerners, every time I been down there people don't even say hello when they walk by
Anyone north of Cambridge should be f**k*d off just a drain us harder working southerners you lot are too busy fecking about with pigeons and whippets
I'll be honest I don't know all the ins and outs of what would happen if we did go independent, it might be great for this country or it might ruin it. All I know is that if we are such a strain on the UK why would your Tory government be so determined for us to stay?

Very simple answer "GREAT BRITAIN "
I don't understand all this want to leave stuff , it's feels like the Scottish don't like English when we are all British, if anyone should leave, I'd get rid of the southerners, every time I been down there people don't even say hello when they walk by

you aint been south enough yet vincey... @RobJack will agree how nice we are down here :D
I'm all for freedom from the sh itheads running the show but swapping one lot of fukwits in control is as daft as putting up with what we already have.
Personally I don't get it. Had a referendum, decided to stay. Yes UK is leaving the EU but why would Scotland want to leave the UK probably because of centuries old wrong doings or whatever and then join the EU which is then rule them instead? German Nazis did more wrong doing in much more recent times but that's been forgiven. Remember whatever happens UK is a tiny little island and Scotland is a tiny part of that. We trade with each other more then the EU I think. We all really need to work together but this just feels like people who didn't like the results to referendum trying to do it again in hope they get what "they" want. Bit like retainers who say there should be a second referendum.
They can't have the referendum before brexit now anyway. Unelected Theresa May has decided. I thought Sturgeon was a lesbo but shes married.
They can't have the referendum before brexit now anyway. Unelected Theresa May has decided. I thought Sturgeon was a lesbo but shes married.

Neither was David Cameron or any PM. We vote as you know for a local mp not who is going to be prime minister. That is a response from a very typical liberal sore loser.
Gordon Brown..... now that is funny. On what basis? He Scottish?

No the liberals only like losers, brown, kinnock, Corbyn etc.

Remember Mr Brown said no more boom and bust and then presided over the biggest bust of them all
If one were to be pedantic, and no doubt annoy the sh1t out of the separatists, one could point out that even if Scotland went full Brave Heart and became completely independent they'd still be in Great Britain as that's the name of the island group.
You said they are determined to keep Scotland part of the UK because of GREAT BRITAIN, implying that they make Britain great

No I didn't, I said the tories want to keep Scotland part of Britain because together we make Great Britain.

Btw I think history has shown the ship has always been captained better when tory lead, although I understand Scotland may not feel that way, as I've said before my family are Scottish.
If one were to be pedantic, and no doubt annoy the sh1t out of the separatists, one could point out that even if Scotland went full Brave Heart and became completely independent they'd still be in Great Britain as that's the name of the island group.
Thought it was called United Kingdom
Guy on the radio talking about the campaign for English independence and an English parliament. You cannot eat a flag.
The Political nation is 'The United Kingdom of Great Britain and *Northern Ireland' (*since 1922) to give it the full title. Great Britain is the main island and the little ones around it.
The Political nation is 'The United Kingdom of Great Britain and *Northern Ireland' (*since 1922) to give it the full title. Great Britain is the main island and the little ones around it.
You googled that didn't you
You googled that didn't you

No, it's something I remember well as I've used it a few times over recent years. Mostly to p1ss uppity Celts off if I'm honest. :( Just can't seem to help myself. :)