Indyref 2

f**k the referendum. The Scots should just start rebuilding Hadrian's Wall. Seal themselves off. Get the Poles and Romanians to build it on the promise they can stay. The wall in Game of Thrones - the watchers on the wall - was based on Hadrian's Wall. The Scots were like the wildlings and white walkers. You can have that for nothing.
Or Stuart's favourite
Indyref 2
Was it 1700 that the Scottish parliament voted to join together with England and become Great Britain not 1922 ? @imago ?

Yeah, but the paddies had a bit of a fall out with the government. It all kicked off in a post office apparently, I think the easter eggs got lost in the post. The government gave them most of their country back to make up for the lost easter eggs. They kept a bit where some other uppity celts with a different colour tartan liked the government but didn't like chocolate so weren't bothered about the eggs.

Anyway, it stopped being "and Ireland" and became "and Northern Ireland" when all that unpleasantness was sorted out.
Well the uppity celts are the real British your just some Euro mongrel

Quite right.

Although anyone who knows anything about dogs will tell you that mongrels are less susceptible to the genetic faults that cause health and mental problems when in breeding from a shallow genetic pool. ;)
My old Staffie being put to sleep this afternoon am gutted heartbroken in fact :cry::cry::cry::cry: but I have to do what's right for her and not me it's just bloody difficult
My old Staffie being put to sleep this afternoon am gutted heartbroken in fact :cry::cry::cry::cry: but I have to do what's right for her and not me it's just bloody difficult

Sorry to hear that, it's awful to go through.